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 鲜花( 384)  鸡蛋( 21)
本帖最后由 騎馬撞羅馬 于 2021-11-8 21:18 编辑


What is it?
It's a little "spinoff" project of mine I've been working on during the past few months.
Unlike the main "campaign" mode (official Perisno), it was made to be some sort of "skirmish" mode: short and flexible.
This "spinoff" features a new map: a new resource-rich island was discovered and the kingdoms of Perisno assembled expeditions to conquer this island.
- a couple of small bugs were fixed (such as missing information on Riding requirement for several mounts in the trade screen);
- a couple of armors were replaced (specifically, some lorien armors and 1 old low-resolution Hakkon armor). It is OK if you see some naked elves in your party screen or on Elintor troop tree, it is enough to talk to them or join any fight where they participate to automatically fix this.
- textures (and models to a much lesser extent) of roughly 200 weapons (mostly melee weapons, but also some throwing weapons and a couple of bows) were fully/partially replaced, and hopefully they look better now. Some changes are not very noticeable, some are (mostly swords, Zann/Jin weapons, a couple of new maces/hammers instead of old ones, dwarven picks). Also several dozens of texture sets (~136 textures total) were rendered useless (if version III ever comes out and you make a clean install, you won't find them at all, for now they just won't be used), since about half of the weapons now use 1 large (4k) set of textures, which in theory should slightly improve performance.
材質(約200種武器) |
- The Third Legion was turned into a playable major faction (extended troop tree, 1 ruler, 3 lords, completely new town and arena scenes (TTL's base will be 'visitable'));
- fief improvements (a total of 14 for now) were added, they require 4 types of resources plus money to build and sometimes 5 types (4+1) to maintain, more details can be found inside the game in the information section;
- 11 new companions of different races, sexes, skills and stories;
- as usual, new armors (for TTL and Hakkon), replacements of old armors (in particular, 2 'Gondor' armors and most of Revspartan's armors except for Tolranian Champions' armor; Hakkon's 'Roman' helmets were given to TTL and replaced with more "Greek" ones, several Hakkon soldiers were given new armor with 'muscled' torsos), new weapons, optimization&improvement of some old weapons (bows, xbows), improved textures of a couple of horses and tigers etc.
- the speed of 2h weapons and polearms was slightly buffed;
- as usual, bug fixing, including 2 cases of ctds.
注意,存档不兼容 |

1. 只展示了介面整体外观和物品说明
2. 左上角:有个按钮可以切换商人而不必退出交易介面
3. DEAL(交易)按钮-只要双方的现有金钱足够,按下去就会交换被选中的物品(绿色的),身上穿的装备也可操作
4.1. SELL AFTER(出售后项)按钮-卖出(包含此物)之前的所有物品
4.2. SELL BEFORE(出售前项)按钮-卖出(包含此物)之后的所有物品。这功能是为那些喜欢将物品栏整理一番的玩家设计的
5. 接着我(Leonion)把我想买的商品选中
6. 最后,我买了套盔甲,并用ctrl+滑鼠左键把它卖了(就是战团本身的售卖功能) |
- 新部队:顶阶步兵、锦帝国兵种、新的家族卫士
- 优化物品(s)(大量物品与材质优化);
- 矮人势力完全重制(真‧铁罐头)
- 新的战场场景,不使用Native的那些。有场景有80度的陡坡,森林场景变大
- 自订兵种的命名(到兵种树那里看看)
- 所有旗帜的底色修正
- 一些关于阿若罗的改变(Leonion之警告),这是PNB特有的(0.9不一定会有)
- 你能决定要让那些国家上场
- 你能决定要让那些国家成为你的同盟或敌人(游戏中可不能改,请慎选)
- 你能决定要找那些领主来加入你 - 他们是势力本来的领主+几个佣兵领袖
- 你可以向其他派系的盟友提出行动方针,只要他们喜欢你,且你有足够的声望/说服
- 新王国(游戏中会看到的)
- 佩里斯诺王国现在是个独立王国了,你可以选择要加入、合作或敌对他
- 数十名新领主(有些是全新的,有些可能是你在任务中看到的、lore提到的或是伙伴NPC(例如佩里斯诺有艾瑞喀纳斯))
- 女巨人
- 优化大地图表现
- 显著的优化战斗触发器
- AI大跃进(一个疯狂的进步,混合了Native的重制AI、Motomataru's AI、君悦的弓骑兵AI(小心佩里斯诺游侠骑士...)还有我自己做的将这些统合起来的代码,优化、整合并更新增了一些脚本)
- 重制封地系统:哨站(能驻军,但没城战场景)、城堡(我只挑那些用攻城塔或是有2个以上梯子的)、基地(约等于城镇)
- 重制创角色系统
- 十几种各种新型高端武器
- moar(错字?more?)旗帜
- 所有主要国家领主都有特殊的图标 |
- 所有任务
- (目前)婚姻
- 所有的贵族小姐(但女领主还是会登场),毕竟这块土地并不适合她们,这里太艰苦了
- 只能当"领主"(也就是说你无法当雇佣兵、小兵、国王(目前不能),或是自由人,你会是你所选择的势力永远的元帅,当然你可以离职后再随时收回)
- 除了"O键借箭"和"T键唤马"之外的技能(没有那些(合法的)作弊般地恢复技能了)
- 外交指令(你只能透过加入战斗来刷关系),所有的外交关系在你决定分组与所属国家时就决定了
- 阴谋(谁当元帅?谁得封地?) -这些决策君主会立刻决定,不必再没完没了地等待了
- 村庄
- 王位觊觎者
- 大概占原始游戏的50%内容左右,毕竟这mod的初衷是"快速决战",而不是"长期会战"。 |
1) 因为这样可以避免因游戏太冗长而使太多人半途而废的危险
2) 因为这样可以让难度以完全渐进式的方式随着时间递增(你会感觉到的)。另外你也可以透过开始游戏前的分组来决定游戏难度,盟友数量与组数可以让你挑战从"非常简单"到"难到靠北"间的任何难度
3) 因为这样可以让玩家能用更短的时间(大概250~300天左右,而非原本的1000+)来从头到尾、完整地体验一个势力。
4) 因为这样可以清理并重整代码,原本那一团乱让我根本无从下手
5) 因为这样可以让更多小势力登场成为主要势力
6) 因为"遭遇战"模式可以无视那些故事背景设定,也让我能有更多的自由来发挥创意(对你也是,例如你选猎鹰领,然而参与这种战争是违反他们的背景的) |
Perisno Team
Original Perisno credits:https://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,294021.0.html
0.8-0.9 credits:
Heraldic armor pack, fantasy armor and berserk armor by bogmir
GoT OSP by Легионер, Serega, Яроглека, HunterWolf, смертник, Radamate, dezz_spb, Глеб Ушкуйник, dimanas, Mark7, xxxxARESxxxx, RS1105252, Supersonic, akdesign
Khazad Ai Menu OSP by Yar_the_old, SithLord, Romuald, somlich, 3Dgrafer, Anton Po, Ivan1997
Crusaders Way to Expiation OSP Pack by Crusaders Way to Expiation Team
OhagiArmorsPack bu junT
Chinese armor by KeVin (also thanks to Lord-Latis for finding them)
Turkic Yurt Model by Hun
Quapitty's Banner Pack by quapitty
FISH&CHIP OSP - Heraldry&Retexturing Unleashed by Lav
Character Creation Screen v1.2 by mercury19
Female Faces by dearuser
Face and UI textures by Jed_Q
Faces by Yiyang Chen
Face Textures by Aquil
Fire Arrows by Mirathei
Weapons by Faradon
Helmet by сикомор
K0nr@d and snouz - better female versions of armor, also snouz's help with some models
Improved Horse Archers AI by Jun Yue
Smiley stuff OSP by SendMeSmile
Banner pack by chukcha
Daydream OSP models by wheene
Classical Italian/Roman items OSP by Gothic Knight
WEe's Helmets by mr.master
Native Bow Retextures by Lav
Rauxa-alana - the idea, troop tree and lore of Kuu-lan faction
Alive Horses by AndyYa
PNB credits:
OSP global map by Yifeng_konjac
Female face mesh for giants by y_sephiroth
Flowing in the Dark by Mattia Vlad Morleo (CC)
Some pictures from pixabay.com:
Lancers' AI fix by Yeoman
Developer's notes:
I played this mod for 130+ days (I played as a dwarf footman - my first infantry playthrough ever and my last; never again, cavalry all the way! ), and then spent some more time speeding up global map time and polishing global AI and tuning faction strength values.
So it's tested and it's playable, but I still highly don't recommend autosave mode.
As before, I can promise my save-compatible support, but only if you play a normal mode, save often and do this in different slots.
And I want your opinions, whether this mod is worth developing further, or things like quests and intrigues are everything for you and such "skirmish" mode is not interesting to you. Shoot.
And don't forget to visit "Key Points of PNB" in notes to read some more key stuff about the mod. There is also a note on the new faction's history if you manage to read this terrible English of mine.
And I've no idea when Perisno 0.9 will be released. I finished my work on it long ago, and now I'm just waiting for others. |
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鲜花鸡蛋騎馬撞羅馬 在2021-9-6 16:27 送朵鲜花 并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下 常允龙 在2019-5-13 09:47 送朵鲜花 并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下 娜娜酱 在2018-4-13 14:29 送朵鲜花 并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下 四月三日两天 在2017-8-20 16:23 送朵鲜花 并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下 kagero 在2017-8-11 10:26 送朵鲜花 并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下 sky994418 在2017-8-10 22:05 送朵鲜花 并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下