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![骑士美德之仁慈勋章[杰出会员互助勋章]](static/image/common/medal12.gif) ![骑士美德之英勇勋章[杰出会员活跃勋章]](static/image/common/medal11.gif) ![骑士美德之高贵勋章[杰出会员奉献勋章]](static/image/common/medal9.gif) ![骑士美德之谦恭勋章[杰出会员财富勋章]](static/image/common/medal21.gif) ![骑士美德之侠义勋章[杰出会员高级互助勋章]](static/image/common/medal3.gif)
 鲜花( 21)  鸡蛋( 0)
本帖最后由 申籍巴民 于 2011-3-22 00:43 编辑
Mini Mod: Ranger Company
Author: Tempered
Module System version: 1.010.0
This mod adds a new mercenary troop type with special abilities, Rangers. Rangers are masters of scouting and ambush. They can be randomly found in taverns like other mercenaries. You can upgrade other mercenary types to rangers as well. Rangers can be used to ambush and delay other parties on the world map, spy on towns/villages/castles, and sabotage towns/villages/castles. The mod contains mainly scripting and scene changes. Don't expect a lot of new shiny items. The source code is included with the download and is open to any who wish to use it, no permission necessary. I will continue to work on the mod, adding or improving features as time permits. Any constructive comments welcome.
Extract the contents of the downloaded .rar file. Inside you will find the ranger company folder, put this in your mod directory. There is also a folder for the source code. You do not need this folder if you do not plan on using or modifying the source code.
If you are a modder and want to add this to your mod, you should already know how to install it. Everything you need is in the source code folder. I do not have time to give step by step instructions on how to cut and paste from the .py files. I have included only the files that have been changed or added. All changes have been noted with the key word Tempered.
Known issues/bugs:
There is a short period of time where you can send more than one spy to a town. Don't do it, you will lose that spy. You are only allowed one spy per town. There is currently no fix for this problem.
Version features:
Version 1.1
Added option to turn on cheats in camp action menu for testing purposes.
Added cheat option "imprison lord brula in sargoth prison" to test rescue prisoner sabotage mission.
added cheat "add 5 rangers to party".
Rebalanced rangers to be less effective in melee combat.
changed starting party to only have 2 rangers.
Fixed problem with tent collision mesh.
Version 1.2
When attacked while camping, you and your soldiers start unmounted.
Horses added to all camp scenes.
Some small tweaks to camp scenes.
If your camp is over run, you may lose gold, horses, or food.
If your camp is over run, your troops will no longer be resupplied with arrows during the battle.
Version 1.3
Fixed an error where skirmish parties would wait on map if you joined a battle with them.
Added dialog for joining battle with skirmish party.
Fixed an error with player camp being looted and not calculating correct amount of food loss.
If your camp is overrun, you will see smoke or flames coming from various camp items.
Changed hoof dust color and amount.
Removed inventory chest and replaced with supply tent for camp scenes.
Supply tent not accessible if your camp has been overrun.
You must have tools in inventory in order to entrench your camp.
You may lose tools if your camp is overrun.
If you leave an entrenched camp, you can return to it now without having to rebuild and without the moral loss. This only works for the last entrenched camp site and you must be very near the original site.
Added presentation "assess nearby parties" to before battle menu, detailing who will or will not join the battle on either side.
Menu item is only present if you are the attacker and have not yet started the battle.
Made extensive changes to script_let_nearby_parties_join_current_battle.
Added item "send messenger" to right click context menu. Messenger travels from your party to other parties on the world map and then back again. The messenger system will be expanded in future versions to include kingdom management type messages.
Kingdom hero parties now carry gold for travel expenses and food for their armies. Trading with them will effect their overall wealth. They may not have anything to trade for the first 7 days.
Numerous dialogue changes dealing with the messaging system.
You can challenge lords to a duel through the messaging system if your renown is within 200pts of the lords renown.
Lords may challenge you to a duel if you have insulted them through the messaging system.
You can give a gift of wine or poisoned wine to Lord parties through the messaging system. They may refuse the gift based on how much they trust you. You must have wine in inventory to do so.
You may hire lord parties to follow and aid you through the messaging system. The amount is based on your relations with the lord and faction.
You may hire lord parties to attack nearby enemies through the messaging system. This is very prelimenary work and will be changed in the future.
Added npc companion comments for various situations.
There are probably other changes I've failed to list.
Version 1.4
Squashed some bugs.
Version 1.5
Many, many bug fixes. This version should be stable and error free.
When helping a farmer party in battle, you will now increase relations with their village.
Changed how the message system, attack party choice works. You now pick the party to attack on the world map by right click.
Removed spammed message about number of days a spy has been in town, was redundant and annoying.
Lowered trust level needed to accept gift of wine or poisoned wine.
Hired parties will now follow, attack, besiege, or raid villages up until the end of their hire time unless defeated by an enemy.
Version 1.6
Changed size bonus for faction leader parties. It is now based on territory held, instead of a constant number. So kings that are losing towns and castles will have smaller armies. The player will get this bonus also if leading a kingdom.
Added after battle presentation to choose what to do with remaining loot. You can now create a loot wagon party. The loot wagon party carries any remaining loot to a town of your choice and sells it for you. The party then returns to your army. You must have an npc companion lead the loot wagon. The loot wagon can also sell prisoners.
Changed entrench time again. It should no longer take more than 32 hours or less than 2 hours for any party to entrench. Remember that the major factor is how many troops you have and the minor bonus is the party engineer skill.
Fixed numerous bugs.
Many of the party encounter scenes have been enhanced by Adorno. The duel scenes in particular are looking much better.
Version 1.7
Changed collision mesh for camp tents to keep horses and troops from climbing on top.
Added map icons for entrenched camp sites.
Fixed bug with item modifiers not showing up in loot wagon.
Abhuva fixed bug with player being captured and wagon not being checked for properly.
Added funeral pyre map icon just for the hell of it.
Test weapon added, shepards crook.
Version 1.8
Fixed shepherds crook mesh and texture.
Fixed some bugs with returning skirmishers and added dialog.
Changed how the entrench icon works. When you leave and entrenched campsite, you will now leave behind the entrenchment which remains visible on the map. You can return to the location and entrench instantly. The entrenchment deteriorates after approximately 120 hours. Only your last abandoned entrenchment remains on the map. When you make a new entrenchment, your last abandoned entrenchment will disappear.
Skirmishers now spend 2 hours game time after a battle disengaging from the enemy. After which time, they return to your party.
Removed the label from the funeral pyre. It was annoying.
Player relation with peasants can now lead to surprising results.
Fixed hidden troops in player owned towns and castles.
Removed faction check when encountering a battle. This now gives the player the choice of helping either side. Be careful not to click the wrong side, you may start a war or alienate your own vassals.
Other bug fixes and additions I don't remember.
翻译(by CountryBear )
迷你功能性MOD: 游侠组织