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![骑士美德之仁慈勋章[杰出会员互助勋章]](static/image/common/medal12.gif) ![骑士美德之英勇勋章[杰出会员活跃勋章]](static/image/common/medal11.gif) ![骑士美德之高贵勋章[杰出会员奉献勋章]](static/image/common/medal9.gif) ![骑士美德之谦恭勋章[杰出会员财富勋章]](static/image/common/medal21.gif) ![骑士美德之侠义勋章[杰出会员高级互助勋章]](static/image/common/medal3.gif)
 鲜花( 20)  鸡蛋( 0)
本帖最后由 申籍巴民 于 2011-4-12 04:42 编辑
Song of Taliesin is set in sixth century Northern Britain, featuring wars of Britons, Anglo-Saxons, Picts and Dal Riadan Scots.
This mod seeks to replicate the brutality, danger, and general atmosphere of the Dark Ages, an early period of Medieval. We are trying to make as historicaly accurate, as we can, to make an excellent springboard from many mods, which are not always accurate. Note that a lot of stuff in this period is strongly hypothetical - text sources tend to be very scant for these times. However archeology give us a lot of information, so it's our main source telling us, what happened after Romans withdrew from Britain. Let me present you all features of this mod!
Features list:
New Map: A new strategical map of Northern Britain, stretching from Skye and the Caledonian canal to the Humber in the south.
New Weapons: Dozens of melee and ranged weapons have been added.
New Clothing & Armour: Many new outfits, armors, shoes, hats and helmets have been added to bring you back to the dark ages.
New Factions: Four civilizations (Dal Riada, Gododdin, Rheged, Alcluyd, Fortriu, Bernicia and Ui Neill) and a lot of bandits to fight with.
New Troop Trees: Varied troop trees designed to highlight each faction's strengths and weaknesses.
New Sounds: Included More metal sound mod and added several new sounds..
New UI: Featuring new decorated buttons and excellent menu pictures by Morcant and Markus II.
Random Events: Which made the mod more interesting and challenging.
New Quests: Not much currently, but you can spot some new quests at villages, one from Guild Masters and one from a bard Aethelfrith.
New Map Icons: Replaced the Native towns, castles & villages icons
New Character Customization: Including new faces and warpaints.
New Character Creation: Including faction allegiance and faction-specific starting troops.
New Characters: Historical characters lead the armies of each civilization, and fictional companions can join your army.
Bribing Bandits: For those of you who don't want to travel all the map to recruit people in villages.
New Map Textures: Moorlands!
New Mercenaries Dozens of new mercenaries waiting for your commands!
Lots of javelins in battles: Which made the battles more interesting and difficult.
New Music: Perfectly creating atmosphere of Dark Ages.
New Combat Abilities: A lot of new combat abilities, including formations, warcries, shield bash, whistling for a horse, taunting enemies, toggling javelin/spear, turning on/off fog etc.
New Events: Just two for the beginning of game (after appearing on map).
An easter-egg for Polish players: If you are not Polish, please don't buy books from booksellers in taverns!
New options in taverns: You can now sell the slaves to tavernkeeper and buy drinks for your men.
Day/Night Cycle: Special sound effects when the time of day is changing
Building Watchowers: You can now build watchtowers on the map and send patrols.
A bard Aethelfrith in Din Guardi: He is telling poems and riddles plus playing some traditional music.
Quotes: Quotes from the period, replacing the vanilla hints.
New Voice Acting: Voice acting for player commands at battle plus townfolk.
翻译(by zamin )
塔列辛之歌的北京是六世纪的不列颠北部, 描写了布里吞人,盎格鲁撒克逊人,皮克特人,和苏格兰人的达里阿塔王国之间的战争
资料片旨在再现作为中世纪早期黑暗时代的残酷,危险和当时的整个气氛. 我们力争表现真实历史, 从那些缺少历史真实的资料片之上再进一步. 但要注意许多东西是假设的- 当时的文献记载非常稀少. 但是考古学给了我们很多信息, 从这最主要的资料来源中, 我们可以知道罗马人退出不列颠之后发生了什么. 让我告诉你这个资料片的特点
新的地图: 新的北部不列颠大地图, 从斯凯岛和加里东海峡直到南方的汉伯尔
新的武器: 添加了大量的肉搏和远程武器
新的装备和盔甲: 大量黑暗时代的装备和盔甲被添加
新的阵营: 新的阵营 (达里阿塔, 葛德丁, 雷吉德, 阿克鲁德, 弗特利乌, 伯尼西亚 and ) 以及许多的匪徒.
新的兵种树: 新的优势同弱点一样鲜明的兵种.
新的音效: 更多的金属音效和其他声音
新的界面: Morcant and Markus II制作了新的选项键贴图和插画.
随机事件: 这让资料片更加有趣和有挑战性
新的人物: 现在还不多,但是在村庄和行会师傅处可以领到,还有一个来自诗人艾瑟弗利特.
新的地图图标: 新的城镇,城堡和村庄的地图图标
新的脸型设置: 新的脸型和涂彩
新的玩家选项: 包括了初始阵营归属和初始部队
新的人物: 阵营英雄为历史人物,文学人物为NPC
招安匪徒: 尽可不必穿越整个地图去雇佣农民了
新的地形: 沼泽
更多的投枪: 战斗更加有趣
新的音乐包: 完美渲染了黑暗时代的背景
新的战斗能力: 新的能力, 包括布阵, 怒吼, 盾击, 马哨, 挑衅, 投枪和长矛间的转换, 打开或关闭雾等等
新的事件: 暂时只有游戏开始时的两个
给波兰玩家的彩蛋 如果不会说波兰语,就不用去书商那里买书了(应该是书的介绍处有波兰文的线索)
酒店新功能: 你可以在酒店卖掉俘虏和犒赏士兵
建了望塔: 你可以在大地图上建了望塔,并且派驻巡逻部队
在丁加尔迪的诗人艾瑟弗利特: 他可以念诗歌,说谜语,并且演奏一些传统音乐
提示: 新的和历史有关的提示,代替了原版提示
新配音: 指令战斗的玩家和镇民有了新的配音
Kolba |
鲜花鸡蛋罪蝶舞沧海(regr 在2014-1-4 17:45 送朵鲜花 并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下