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 鲜花( 20)  鸡蛋( 0)
本帖最后由 申籍巴民 于 2011-1-24 14:50 编辑
感谢发布帖整理者 thebestbower
This is a fantasy mod for M&B v1.011. It is designed to compile some of my favorite features from other mods (such as Kingdom Management) and to present a brand new setting for people to play in. The mod is still in early development and there are many things that still need to be tested and additional features/content that need to be implemented, but there is an alpha version available for download if you would like to help bug-test or just get a preview. Everything you need to know about the mod (including features, credits, current bugs, and screenshots) can be found here: http://z9.invisionfree.com/exilian/index.php?showforum=59
The current version of this mod is Alpha v1.21. Check here for d/l & installation instructions: http://forums.taleworlds.net/index.php/topic,52170.msg1731868.html#msg1731868
Brief Background Story
Long ago, a young man named Wayland lived in the village of Velor on a small island just off the coast of a much larger island known as the Horde Lands (named for the numerous barbaric hordes of humans, elves, goblins, and orcs). The people of Wayland's clan lived in relative peace from the hordes of the mainland. The small island his clan called home was also home to six other human clans. A series of misunderstandings led to war between the clans. When Wayland joined up with his clan's militia to protect his village, he accidentally uncovered a plot by a vengeful necromancer named Greygor who was manipulating the clans into war and stealing the corpses from their battles in order to raise an army of undead. Wayland travelled from village to village to settle the disputes and unite the clans against Greygor. Wayland led the combined forces of the seven clans against Greygor at his castle on the southern shore. Greygor was thought to have been destroyed and his army was defeated. The clans' newfound unity led to the formation of the Kingdom of Velor, with Wayland being crowned king. Years passed and Wayland married and had a child. However, shortly after the birth of his son, Greygor returned with a vengeance, striking without warning all across the kingdom with an army far stronger than before. Wayland, seeing the imminent defeat of his people, led the survivors to the mainland where they established a new city. Wayland quickly formed an alliance with the elves to fend off the goblins and orcs. Many years passed. As Greygor strengthened his hold on their former homeland, the Kingdom Of Velor began to spread throughout the Horde Lands. United with the elves, they began to push back and pacify the various clans of orcs and goblins. But as the Velorians spread civilization across the Horde Lands and integrated elves, orcs, and goblins into their society, Greygor was hard at work to spread his influence as well. He found his greatest tool in the Dark Elves. While many were proud and honorable warriors, an equal number were cruel and sadistic. Working in secret, Greygor used the Dark Elves to help in his corruption of the Kingdom of Velor. The peace and civility of the Horde Lands began to break down and civil war overtook the Velorians until numerous factions broke away and formed their own kingdoms. This is the state of the Lands as you set out to make a name for yourself. The fate of the Horde Lands is up to you. Will you help one of the factions to gain dominance or will you seek to spread chaos? Or perhaps you will decide to establish your own kingdom and unify the Lands as Wayland once did.
That is a VERY condensed version of a novel-sized story I wrote many years ago. I intend to work many of the details of that story including history, town names, and characters into this mod.
翻译(by dsr1013)
很久很久以前,一位名叫Wayland的年轻人类住在一个叫做Velor的村庄里.村庄所在的小岛与另一个叫做"部落之地"(这片土地上生活着大量人类, 精灵,哥布林以及兽人等种族的原始土著部落,这里也因此得名"部落之地")的大型岛屿毗邻.Wayland所在氏族的人们与"部落之地"上的所有部落常年保持着相互的和平友好关系,而被他们称作"家园"的这个小岛上同时也居住着其他6个人类氏族,这些氏族之间却由于一系列误解和摩擦而相互发动了战争.当 Wayland为保卫自己的村庄而加入自己氏族的民兵武装时,他无意中发现了一个名叫Greygor的巫师所设计的阴谋.Greygor为了实现自己的复仇计划而蓄意挑起了各氏族间的战争,并企图从战场上窃取阵亡者的尸体来召唤不死亡灵军队.Wayland开始为调解氏族间的矛盾并联合所有的氏族对抗Greygor而不断奔走于不同的村庄之间.最终Wayland在他位于南方海岸上的城堡中促成了七大氏族的和解,并开始领导氏族联军对抗Greygor.当人们认为Greygor已经被杀死,他的部队也被永远击败的时候,七大氏族也终于决定联合起来,建立了Velor王国,Wayland成为了Velor的第一任国王.
很多年过去了,Wayland已经结婚生子,但他的儿子出生后不久,Greygor再一次带着怨恨重生,并集结了实力远胜于前的庞大军队,在毫无预警的情况下对Velor王国展开了攻击.看到失败的局面已经没有挽回的余地,Wayland带领王国的幸存者逃亡到了"部落之地",建立了新的城市.Wayland很快与岛上的精灵部落结盟来防御哥布林和兽人的侵袭.又过了许多年,Greygor逐渐巩固了在曾经的人类领地"家园"上的统治地位, 而Velor王国的势力也在"部落之地"上扩展开来.得到精灵的有利支持后,Velor王国得以驱逐和安抚那些形形色色的兽人和哥布林部落,但在 Velor人的文明逐步得以在"部落之地"传播并不断接纳精灵,兽人以及哥布林部族的加入的同时,Greygor也在想方设法提升自己的影响力.他找到了黑暗精灵作为自己的得力助手.精灵一族既有高贵和重视荣誉的战士,也有黑暗精灵那样冷酷无情的虐待狂.在与黑暗精灵们达成秘密协议后,Greygor利用这些黑暗精灵来从内部破坏Velor王国."部落之地"上刚刚建立起来的和平和文明再一次崩坏了,内战在Velor人之间爆发了,最终许多部族从王国中分裂出去并建立了自己的国家. 这就是玩家为扬名立万而踏上旅途之时"部落之地"所面临的局面.这片土地究竟将何去何从?一切都将由您来解答.您会为某个阵营效力并协助它夺取世界的统治地位,还是会协助Greygor散播浑沌与无序呢?或许您应当成为Wayland那样的英雄,建立自己的国家并最终一统天下.
Of the things I used from Nema's Guardian's Party (elf/dark elf/orc/goblinskins, samurai armor/helmet/boots, sabertooth katana, throvstar, shadow armor, guard helmet, dark blade, elven arrows/quiver), the credits can be found here: Guardian's Party credits
Skeletons and Skeletal Horses were made by Cartread.
Thanks to Couched for letting me use his Dead_Horse texture.
Of the armors from the OSP Armor pack:
Burrek for K&K, Byzantium Armor, Unique Eurpoeans 1 & 3 Skinsets (bur)
Lord Condormanius Irish Skinset (con)
FJ62 Norse Skinsets (fj6)
Various other skins from MTW2 mods, will credit as i sort it out
DaBlade, for elegant engraved plates
only those dds files costumes3, 5, 51, and 6_ss designed by maw
all other skins compiled from the greater talent
Of the helmets from the OSP helmet pack:
Ursca (special thanks here for the new sallet pack)
The Pope
Of the shields from the OSP Shield pack:
I can't find any credits for these, but the pack was put together by Maw
Of the horses from the OSP Horses pack:
skins are from a variety of sources, but quite a lot are from Argent Usher, over at the Medieval II: Total War Center. also in this pack are a couple of horses from DaBiggMan (RIP), and conversions from Chel's (now ancient in modding years) Horse2.0 pack, Gallus Domesticus ([url=from his new horses thread http://forums.taleworlds.net/index.php/topic,33969.0.html]from his new horses thread http://forums.taleworlds.net/index.php/topic,33969.0.html[/url]), and i think a few from Predak.
In addition, I have used 17 horses from RookieR's Horses For 1.003 pack.
Of the weapons from the OSP Weapons pack:
James (jam)
Luigi (lui)
RR_Raptor65 (rrr)
The Pope (pop)
The cloaks from the OSP Cloaks pack were made by Dain Ironfoot.
The Blackjack poker game script was made by Oolonglgx.
The Kingdom Management script was made by Highlander.
The Autoloot script was made by Fisheye.
The Patrols script was made by Geoffrey Ashe.
The Troop Ratio Bar, Change Commander, and Quick Troop Upgrade scripts were made by Rubik.
The Custom Sparring Matches script was made by Jinnai.
The Duel Kit script (for duelling your companions or troops) was made by MartinF.
The String Typer Kit (currently used to allow players to change their kingdom's name) was made by Jik.
Thanks to Jubal for setting up this forum, and for providing the script to randomize village recruits.
Thanks to Ghoda for his extensive playtesting, and for providing the new voices for the undead.
Thanks to Gerhart for his high-quality screenshots. Three of which were used for sig banners.
Thanks to Silver Wolf for converting one of Gerhart's screenshots into this mod's main.bmp pic in the M&B loader and a couple of main menu pics.
Thanks to Garnier for his recruitment and banking scripts.
Thanks to 暗暗十分 for giving me permission to use his amazing magic system.
Thanks to Mirathei for his sea battles scripts, and again to Jubal for his tutorial on installing them.
All new music (except intro.mp3) in this mod was performed by Jon Sayles, and obtained
from the following website:
Intro.mp3 is Henry Purcell's "Music For The Funeral Of Queen Mary" as performed by the
Baroque Brass Of London. |