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![骑士美德之仁慈勋章[杰出会员互助勋章]](static/image/common/medal12.gif) ![骑士美德之英勇勋章[杰出会员活跃勋章]](static/image/common/medal11.gif) ![骑士美德之高贵勋章[杰出会员奉献勋章]](static/image/common/medal9.gif) ![骑士美德之谦恭勋章[杰出会员财富勋章]](static/image/common/medal21.gif) ![骑士美德之侠义勋章[杰出会员高级互助勋章]](static/image/common/medal3.gif)
 鲜花( 20)  鸡蛋( 0)
本帖最后由 申籍巴民 于 2010-12-9 03:33 编辑
The Last Battle “Tarmon Gai'don” is approaching. Hoards of Shadowspawn led by the Forsaken are massing in the Blight, The Aiel have crossed the Spine of the World following the Car’a’carn, The Seanchan have invaded, Legion of the Dragon Reborn has taken large amounts of land, and the Aes Sedai and remaining armies of the Westlands still vie for power.
Shadow Rising is a mod based on Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series of books. I have been working on this for a while now and decided it is finished enough to release as a Beta version. Please try it out and let me know what you think.
New channeling system:
All weaves now take a certain amount of stamina to channel. A HUD bar shows how much stamina you have remaining. When the bar is blue you have enough stamina to channel the weave. If you don't have enough stamina the bar is gray. Your stamina automatically regenerates over time. To channel you will need to have a "connection to the source" item equipped. You get a "connection to the source" when you start the learning to channel quest. If you lose your connection you can talk to the person that gives you the learning to channel quest and they will give you a new one. You can switch between the weaves you know by pressing z, and the weave icon is displayed as another HUD element. The amount of stamina you have is determined based on your intelligence and you channeling proficiency. The rate that your stamina regenerates is based on you strength. The angreal rare item now increases the rate your channeling stamina refills.
Check the screenshots on the TaleWorlds forum post for a look at the new stamina bar and selected weave icon.
For more info check the TaleWorlds Forum post here:http://forums.taleworlds.net/index.php/topic,62928.0.html
And the Shadow Rising Forum here:http://www.modrealms.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=88
0.3 to 0.3.1 Patch can be downloaded here:
http://www.mbrepository.com/modu ... ?cid=6&lid=1444
0.2.1 to 0.3 Patch can be downloaded here:
http://www.mbrepository.com/modu ... ?cid=6&lid=1315
Wheel of Time Map New playable race – Trolloc
Learn to Channel – Once your channeling skill hits 25 search the taverns to find a teacher
A couple cool ter'angreal
Lots of new equipment added
Chance to find rare items based on your parties looting skill
Increased caps on abilities and some skills
Invasion of Shadowsworn troops after 4 weeks
Many kits added from the forum community – see credits for full list, (Battlefield Tactics, Battle Morale, and Spear Bracing can be turned on and off from the camp menu)
File History:
- Fixed problems that showed up after 30 days of game time
- Changed so seanchan only start at war with westlands
- Added more generic Shadowsworn lords
- New male and female character creation scripts - text written by Saberin
- Two new factions! Borderlands and Seanchan
- Shadowsworn invade after 4 weeks
- Trolloc characters now have an option to recruit from Marauding Trolloc parties
- Adjusted execution script to not impact town/village relations
- Reduced terrain texture size to help reduce crashes on slower PCs
- One banner per faction (banners are not custom yet)
- Lots of other bug fixes
- New channeling system.
- Increased weave accuracy
- More marauding trolloc and bandit spawns
- Slightly higher chance to find a rare item
- Fixed some map issues
- Rewrote several weaves (hopefully this will get rid of crashes people were seeing with bind and seeker)
- Added sprint. Press v when unmounted to sprint. Speed and length of sprinting depends on you agility and athletics, and trollocs get an additional bonus.
- Added cloaks to whitecloaks and myrddraal, gave myrddraal new horses
- Added Punkt's HiRes map textures.
- Added some new music, and sounds for trollocs
- Added a chance to get one of several new rare items after any battle. Chance to find an item is based on your parties looting skill.
- Made it so you can't "reload" weaves by going back to inventory box during battle. (an angreal that works as ammo is one of the rare items you can find)
- Changed to a new map - created by Llew2
- Added new aiel equipment - created by Llew2
- increased caps on abilities and some skills
- Added several other new items and fixed lots of other smaller problems
- Fixed dedicated pin problem
- Added a new help menu. When you're in a combat scene hit the h key for shortcut key help.
- Gave Aiel Clan Chiefs correct gear
- Fixed a spot in the map where ai was getting stuck
- Added flying arrow meshes
- Increased the chance of capturing an enemy lord in combat from the default 20% to 30%
- various other small fixes and tweaks
- Fixed the "unable to find mesh cloth_mtw_074" that showed up occasionally when going to armor merchants.
0.1 - original release
最後的戰爭"Tarmon Gai'don"已臨近.Shadowspawn的寶藏被Forsaken倒入於陰影中
在Aiel越過脊柱世界Car'a'carn後.魔鬼軍團已重新並奪取大部分的領土,Aes Sedai和剩下的兵團在西方仍在爭霸中
影子崛起是基於Robert Jordan's的小說 - 時光之輪
時光之輪地圖新的音樂 - Trolloc
學習媒介 - 當你向導技能到達25時 找尋酒館的老師
新的箱子在公會中 - 可看到制作人名單
(戰術 士氣 抗馬槍 可在營地介面打開或關閉)
一个纪元里所有生命和事物的总和,以及它们之间的联系叫做界模(the Pattern)。界模就是由轮辐交织而成的。由于时光之轮总是处于运动之中,所以虽然每个纪元是在轮回着,但当每个纪元再次轮回时,界模总会有些改变。正是这些微小的改变,构成了每个纪元多姿多彩的历史。
就象很多西方奇幻小说,是创造者(the Creator)创造了时光之轮和世界,而且创造者在创造完成之后就再也不曾插手世界。但和龙枪和被遗忘的国度不同,在时光之轮的世界里并没有神的存在。这里虽然也有和“魔法”以及“牧师神术”相似的东东存在,但这些力量来源于至上之力 (the One Power)。较之而言在时光之轮中这些超能力的设定更象星球大战中的源力,而不象一般奇幻小说中的魔法。
至上之力来源于真源“True Source”。真源是由两部分组成的,分别是代表男性那一半的塞丁(saidin)和代表女性那一半的塞达 (saidar)。力量总是危险的,所以只有很少数的人能够利用至上之力做一些常人做不到的事,人们把这叫做引导(channel)。在这些能够引导至上之力的人中,有大部分人在尝试第一次引导后会因为患上奇怪的热病而死去,那些幸存下来的人则象是具有了免疫力,从此能安全地引导至上之力。这些幸运儿就是引导者(channeler)。对于自己不能理解的力量,人们总是又恨又怕,所以引导者成立了自己的组织艾斯.瑟岱伊(Aes Sedai)。艾斯.瑟岱伊有两名领袖,分别是女性的阿米林席(the Amyrlin Seat)和男性的塔米林席(the Tamyrlin Seat)。共有五种不同的“线索(threads)”指向至上之力:地,火,气(或是风),水和精神。男性一般在地和火方面较强,女性一般则在气和水上较强。在精神方面男女则都差不多。
Feral |
参与人数 2 | 第纳尔 +15 |
互助 +1 |
魅力 +1 |
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+ 1 |
乐于助人, 品德高尚! |
| + 15 |
+ 1 |
乐于助人, 品德高尚! |