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 鲜花( 384)  鸡蛋( 21)
本帖最后由 liguang 于 2016-11-19 20:15 编辑
Prophesy of Pendor: Aftermath (Discontinued)
Since Prophesy of Pendor 4: Legacy takes place 20 years after the events of PoP 3 a lot are wondering on what happened in between.. Thus enters the Player Driven Community ran Roleplaying Saga for PoP. With help of the PoP Dev Team and select members of the PoP Community as leaders of this event, take part in shaping up what the Lore/History will be as you enter the Shores of Amala for PoP 4.
Pendor has been united under the King, each player must join one of the Orders (some will have been eliminated since we cant have 20 Orders) and this is all about the power play between them post-unification. I will now give a list of the current powerhouses of the new Pendor and who so far is in the roleplay.
High Positions
The King of Pendor: King of Pendor (M0rdred)
The Royal Herald; Grandmaster of the Immortals: Sir Mitchell (MitchyMatt)
The Royal Chronicler: (Mp84)
The Order of the Griffon
Following the rise of the Knights of the Griffon, they have had a clouded and mistreated past...Now arisen to fight for the new proclaimed King of Pendor, the knights have once again become the dominate force in Pendor, for they single handedly took down their past alliance and hated fellows of the Knights of the Lion. With Sir Darlion of Pendor rallying and controlling the Griffons for the King, these are the knights that are most feared on the lands of Pendor. Do to current events, the Knights of the Griffon are now accepting women into their ranks!
Order of the Griffon Grandmaster: Sir Darlion of Pendor (Diablodude)
Marshal of the Griffons: Sir Kamos, "The Silent"(Kamos32)
Order of the Griffon's Loremaster: Sir Azrael," Master of the Lore" (Pravenstern)
Order of the Griffon Knights: Isabel Tenorio (No-Name), Sir Ibram (Hetzau)
Squires: Aelos (Vadir)
The Shadow Legion
Following the last few wars between the new Kingdom of Pendor and The Empire, they were the last to hold ground and refuse the sovereign right of their growing enemy. However, in secret, Marius secretly had dealing with the King that resulted his step down from power and the dismantle of the Empire into the rule of the Kingdom of Pendor. As for the Shadow Legion, they hatefully swore allegiance to the new King as Marius sold out the Empire, with them in the included package. They still want an independent rule away from the King of Pendor, but time will tell if something like that shall happen. They are now looking forward to the horizon as the Snake Cult has risen to power to lands south of Pendor, and has caught the eye of the Legion and its Grand Master, the events to unfold are yet shrouded in mystery of the Shadow Legions actions..
Shadow Legion Grandmaster: Marcus Caldius Merula (Das Knecht)
暗影军团大团长:马库斯.卡迪欧斯.梅鲁拉(DAS KNECHT扮演)
Shadow Legion 2nd in Command:
Shadow Legionaries: Ser Jareth, "The Titan" (Psychozoa), Apophis (Dathlos), Lok (Lokloklok), Johan Noaidi (Tobberman),
The Order of Silvermist Rangers
With lands now ceased from many wars, over time the King personally gained relations with the Noldor and their leaders. But still watching over the mistreatment of the Noldor are the Silvermist Rangers. Being the de-facto liaisons (negotiators between the two) they have a big spot in trade as well as treaties presented between the Kingdom of Pendor and the Noldor. The Silvermists began moving out more into Pendor and since the Heretics were still at large, they became the new enemies that threatened Pendors lands and sworn to be thwarted by the Silvermists who still are deadly with their bows.
Order of the Silvermist Rangers Grandmaster: Sir Caranthir, "The Righteous Ranger" (Thrannduil)
Order of the Silvermist Rangers Constable/2nd in Command: Iskar Levellin (Iskar),
Order of the Silvermist Rangers Scout-Captain: Lady Laisha, "The Whisper of the Clarion Call" (Laisha)
Order of the Silvermist Rangers Quartermaster: Aldric of Marleons (Just_For_Lols)
Order of the Silvermist Rangers Halberd Division Commander: Captain Saeros Venator (saerossaeros)
Description: Now around 500 rangers and mounted rangers, merged with the Clarion Call, and supported by a large force of halberdiers. Prevalent in the former steppes and forests of the east that they subdued.
Knights of the Dawn
Following the honorable induction of Lord Roland as a vassel of the Kingdom of Pendor, he established his new Order as Knights of the New Dawn, who are less fanatic and more honorable with their power. As soon as the order grew, the original Knights of the Dawn issued a civil war between them, for the dawning of these new knights must be put to an end, and their bodies burned. As well as they too wage a war against their arch-nemesis': The Knights of the Eventide, whose too say that the New Dawn and the Eventide wont begin alliances...
Knights of the Dawn Grandmaster: Sir Aranor, "Champion of Light, Seeker of Shadows" (Shadow-Seeker)
Knights of the Dawn 2nd in Command: Wolfarmin, "The Strong" (Wolfarmin),
Knights of the Dawn Knights: Sir Varis, "The Judicator" (MordKaiser87), Blaze (LuvSimplePlan), Sir Henry Weatherford (Paladin Of Elohym), Sir Merzinas (DrSane), Sir Laralthir (Xanithor)
黎明骑士们:“执法者”瓦里斯爵士(mordkaiser87扮演),布雷兹(luvsimpleplan扮演),亨利.韦瑟福德爵士(paladin of elohym扮演),梅兹纳斯爵士(drsane扮演),拉莱勒希尔爵士(xanithor扮演)
Knights of the Ebony Gauntlet
If one thing is for sure, the relation between the Kingdom of Pendor and the Noldor is downright piss-posh. The Knights of the Ebony Gauntlet are, in a lessened word: PISSED, they have decided to become a lawless order establishing themselves somewhere between Poinsbruk and the Laria Woods, that way they can kill all the pointed ear twats they come by. If one thing is for sure, they most certainly rival with that of the Knights of the Griffon. Relations between the two are diminishing and things are about to unfold badly for eastern Pendor between the two, as the KotEG have things planned, that may change Pendor as we know it and the Knights of the Griffon are battle-readied to stop it.
Knights of the Ebony Gauntlet Grandmaster: Lord Commander Colm Stoutheart, "The Harlequin" (Centurion1)
Knights of the Ebony Gauntlet 2nd in Command: Mat Cauthan (Fidelity)
Ebony Gauntlet Knights: Sir Thaddeus (Daedroth), Atticus Eckit (MitchyMatt), Lucius Aurelianus (Tubby McChubbles),
乌木护手骑士们:萨德奥斯爵士(daedroth扮演),奥提卡斯.艾克特克(michymatt扮演),卢修斯.奥勒里安努斯(tubby mcchubbles扮演)
Knights of the Eventide
With their order still established in Singal, the city remains to have its own boundaries and laws unsupported by the rest of Pendor, and not even the King thinks twice of doing anything about it. The Heretics have been pushed mostly out of Fierdsvain lands, and now began amassing around Singal. The Knights of the Eventide have begun to capture these people, though once caught no-one really knows what happens to them. Not as well supplies like their predecessors from years ago before Pendor was united. They still hate the Knights of the Dawn and too secretly wage a war against them, with both sides not budging in the fight. But things are for sure, these guys haven't changed one darn bit.
Knights of the Eventide Grandmaster: Azlanek of Tantal, "The Blackguard of the Eventide" (Deckenpuppel)
Knights of the Eventide 2nd in Command: N/A
Knight Chaplain: Celdiur Moriendor, The Black Paladin of Singal (DarkSoul)
Eventide Knights: Sir Malificar, "Wolf of the Night" (dowdpride), Ser Varys, "Whisperer of Shadows" (Ser Varys), Sir Kendric Delion, "Stealth Shadow" (AxeMaster3)
黄昏骑士们:“暗夜之狼”莫里菲卡尔爵士(dowdpride扮演),“阴影中的低语者”瓦里斯爵士(ser varys扮演),“鬼祟阴影”肯德里克.德莱恩爵士(aexmaster3扮演)
Ghilmen Sgt: Nobody (placenik)
Squires: Sir Tantius (Tantius
The Aftermath of Pendor following unification under the King's Banner:
Knights of the Radiant Cross - A new Grandmaster rose to prominence in the Radiant Cross, and led them all away from Pendor. No-one knows why or where.
Knights of the Lion – Disbanded. Died to the last man fighting to defend Sarleon and their King.
Knights of the Falcon – None know if they have disbanded after the Siege of Ravenstern. Fate is known by King Mordred.
Knights of the Raven Spear – Still around, building closer ties with the Noldor in particular in an attempt to learn their lore and exchange science.
Knights of the Clarion Call – Combined with Silvermists
Knights of the Dragon – Swore loyalty to the new King in Pendor on the promise that he would continue to protect Ravenstern. Hate Knights of the Falcon. Lead by Grandmaster Mastifus.
Immortals – Still exist, but now loyal to Pendor after Marius left peacefully from a "negotiation" with the King. Now lead by Sir Mitchell as their Grandmaster.
Windriders – Still exist to police the D’Shar Principalities.
Lady Valkyries – Have left Pendor, it is unknown to where they have gone and with whom.
Royal Pendor Army - 5,000 regular soldiers. Pendor is under the "Law of Halves" at the moment, which means a Lord may only raise half of his normal retinue. This has increased the stability of the land but at the cost of fighting men.
Major Factions
D'Shar : Kadan was killed in the siege of Torbah, and his principalities forcefully seized by Pendor. Singal remains a law unto itself.
Ravenstern : King Gregory was killed in the long war with Pendor, and Madame Ursula backed the Pendor throne in exchange for the Grandmastery of the Knights of the Falcon.
Sarleon : Smashed by the brutal war with Pendor. Much of the countryside has been burned and pillaged, though the new King has Sarleon as his capital once more and things are improving. Darlion of Pendor became the Grandmaster of the Griffon and is now the most loyal advisor to the King.
The Empire : The last of the factions to fall, Marius abdicated his throne peacefully to the King for an unknown fee.
The Fierdsvain : Destroyed from within, the warriors were routed in a large number of battles with Pendor and Valdis was forced to flee his own lands at the hands of the rich merchant princes of the Fierdsvain who promptly swore allegiance to Pendor. War is bad for business.
Minor Factions
Heretics : Still present but far less prominent than they once were. Increasing in numbers around Singal but reduced elsewhere.
Snake Cult : All but wiped out from Pendor.
Mystmountians : Have fled back into the mountains, their numbers dramatically reduced, it will be decades before they are a threat again.
Jatu : Small bands remain in Pendor but most are dead.
Noldor : Now allied with Pendor.
Rogue Knights : Numbers increasing rapidly due to the massive unemployment faced by soldiers across the continent.
Bandits / Brigands : See Rogue Knights.
Mettenheim : Trade treaty accepted. Mettenheim outposts in Fierdsvain lands established as trade stations.
Veccavia : Strong links developed with what was Ravenstern. Veccavian presence has decreased elsewhere however.
Barclay : Essentially withdrawn from Pendor, their colonial aspirations there thwarted
Vanskerries : Still a nuisance, but their numbers have dwindled as the coast has become more ordered.
以上是所有提供的信息了,下一个搬运目标为潘德的预言:遗产,中间可能会插曲原作者的追加情况 |
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