本帖最后由 騎馬撞羅馬 于 2017-1-18 21:41 编辑

-Larger and adaptive battlefield size 更大的和更適合的的戰場大小(規模和大小都調整)
-Battle size ranging from 100 to 450 戰場大小範圍為100~450
-Many more reinforcement waves 更多的增援次數
-Revamped D'shar troop tree 達夏兵種樹改版
-Factions rebalanced 各勢力重新平衡
-Many units rebalanced 許多士兵重新平衡
-New Phoenix order (2 units) 新的鳳凰騎士團(2種士兵) 中文介紹
-New Shadow Wolves order (2 units) 新的暗影之狼騎士團(2種士兵)
-New Scorpion Assassins order (2 units) 新的天蠍刺客團(2種士兵)
-Leonion Tweaks from this list (1, 3.1, 3.2, 4, 5, 11, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44) 採用了部分Leonion(佩里斯諾0.8主要製作人!)的修改
1. Smarter patrols 更聰明的巡邏隊
3.1. Selecting fiefs for the player character 分封領地時加入"玩家",也就是可以和領主分封一併操作
3.2. Adding lords' fief count to player's dialogue with the minister 分封領地時加入領主領地數量(A領主 x城鎮/城堡/村莊)
4. Making lords use KO troops from towns/castles they own 讓領主能招募他們擁有的城堡/城鎮地自建騎士團的士兵
5. Making martial and cunning lords less bitchy 讓部分領主在分封領地時不會因不分封給自己或友好的領主而掉關係
11. Adding a line about lords' personalities to their "profiles" 領主頭像下面會加註性格
20. Quick fix to "faction does not disappear because of invisible lords" issue 和 A better fix to actually "cure" the invisible lords 修正滅國bug(領主自己來首都送死)
25. Giving money to poor friendly lords 給窮領主送錢
26. Preventing minor faction armies from sacking player character's towns if they are actually friendly to him/her 避免小勢力的部隊在與玩家友好的情況下依然會洗劫城鎮
28. Exchanging fiefs with lords 交換領地
29. Adding "Jatu Army/Dread Legion/etc was spotted near {insert_fief_name_here}" kind of notifications 加入大軍提示(A在B的某處出沒)
30. Investing money into villages => increasing their prosperity 用錢投資村莊,提高繁榮度
32. Forcing lords to GTFO of dead factions ASAP 強迫領主在滅國後不久投奔他國
33. Replacing "The steward of X needs your help" full-screen notification with a simple log message 和 Replacing "Your village is under attack" full-screen notification with a simple log message 用簡易訊息的形式取代全螢幕的通知(封地被洗劫之類的事件)
35. Adding a report regarding fiefs owned by you where stewards/elders are waiting for you with mini "heartbeat" quests (他放圖了,自己看比較好懂)
38. Making +1 relation gain with friendly lords after large battles or sieges automatic 在大戰/城戰後自動和參戰友好領主+1關係
40. Making relation grinding during feasts semi-automatic 開宴會時,和參加領主對話+1關係/天
42. Freeing captured lords for relation and honor 釋放被你捕獲的領主+關係和榮譽
43. Borrowing ammo from your soldiers 按住O鍵向你的小兵借點遠程彈藥(箭或弩矢)
44. Adding a line about factions' current marshals to faction notes 在勢力說明中加入現任元帥
-All item prices normalized (based on K0nr@d's algorithm) 所有物品價格正規化
-New helmets, new boots, new bolts, new bows, new arrows, new 新頭盔、新護脛、新弩矢、新弓、新箭、新(甚麼?)
-Most units individually reworked and balanced 大多數單位都進行了修正與平衡
-Dragon Drakes now update from Ravenstern Men-at-Arms 龍掠者現在可從瑞文斯頓重裝步兵升級
-Items too rare made more present 增加部分過於罕見物品的充裕度
-Ai defenders and defending player get ammo refills on sieges 守城方(包含玩家)回復彈藥
-New system for merchants to get money 新的商人入帳系統(就是城鎮中的商人拿到錢的方式改變)
-Honor decrease when attacking villages & caravans 攻擊村莊和商隊時扣榮譽值
-Updated killcam 更新殺敵數紀錄器
-New options & political map 新的政治選項和地圖
-Companions won't loot gender opposite armors 同伴不會掠奪非所屬性別的護甲
-Wage of archer horsemen no more higher than horsemen 弓騎兵的工資不會再高於騎兵
-Wage of mercenaries down from 200% to 166% 傭兵的工資從200%下修為166%
-Companions can auto-equip, even if loot is saturated 夥伴將會自動裝備,即便是戰利品已滿(不必再移一些到物品欄再移回去了)

-Adaptive battlefields (1, 5 or 12 times the surface) 自動調整的戰場(戰場大小倍率)
-New Elacrai interior, exterior, arena and training 新的艾拉克萊場景
-New siege scenes for 14 towns and most castles (from Floris, but reworked) 14個城鎮和大多數城堡的新攻城場景(來自弗洛里斯,但重製過)
-Horizon backgrounds and map borders 地平線背景和地圖邊界
-More animation in taverns, with up to 15 random customers, musicians, rush hours, and varied clothing linked to culture 更多的酒館動畫,服裝為依照文化而定
-New Sarleon tavern 新的薩里昂酒館
-Spawn points reworked in arenas & taverns 競技場和酒館的重生點重製
-Town scenes edited (river in Torbah, towers in Sarleon, lighthouse in Nal Tar, textures in Empire cities and multiple other tweaks) 編輯過的城鎮場景(托巴內的河流、薩里昂的塔樓、納爾達的燈塔、帝國的紋理,還有其他很多修改)
-Nal Tar scenes replaced by Sarranid's Durquba 納爾達的場景用都庫巴的取代
-New skyboxes 新的天空
-More lords in feasts 更多領主出現在宴會之上
-Women in arenas. 競技場中會出現女戰士

-New and reworked armors 新的且重製過的護甲(s)
-New and reworked helmets 新的且重製過的頭盔(s)
-New and reworked weapons 新的且重製過的武器(s)
-New and reworked horses 新的且重製過的馬匹(s)
-New and reworked greaves 新的且重製過的護手(s)
-New common clothing 新的普通服裝
-Tournament items reviewed 競技場物品重新調整
-All armors have a male AND female version (with exceptions) 所有護甲(好吧,有例外)都是中性甲
-All banners redone from scratch, HD 旗幟全部重製(HD)
-42 extra banners 42面額外旗幟
-Skinning of a lot of helmets (neck part deform with movement) 許多的頭盔被"剝皮"了(頸部會隨著動作而變形)
-New book covers, qualis gem, gold bar, loot, lute, lyre, chests, common items, furniture, bodies, hair... 新的書籍封面、龍淚寶石、金條、戰利品、裡拉琴......(等等等)
-Dynamic face generation for zombies, and new textures 殭屍的動態臉和新紋理
-More blood 更血腥了~
-Bump map and/or specular map created for manu items 為更多物品創造兩種貼圖型態
-Higher grass 草更高了
-Fade from black on entering peaceful scenes (toggleable) 進入非戰鬥狀態的場景時會有黑色淡入淡出(可啟用與禁用)

MAP 地圖方面
-Original individual icons for towns (including Elacrai) 原創城鎮圖標(包含艾拉克莱)
-Individual icons for castles (from Floris) 每個城堡有獨特的圖標(來自弗洛里斯)
-Banners normalized 旗幟正規化
-Corrected bridges 橋梁位置修正
-New map icon for training grounds and Wolfbode 新的地圖圖標(訓練場和預兆之狼)
-Polished map textures and shape 打亮地圖紋理和形狀
-New male head shape 新的男性頭型
-All NPC reworked 所有NPC重製
-More and better textures 更多且更好的紋理
-More wrinkled old faces 老臉的皺紋更多
-Darker D'Shars 達夏會黑一點
-Noldor faces 諾多的臉
-Better random faces 更好的隨機臉
-Head and body color match 頭部和身體的膚色一致
-All D'shars are now dark skinned 所有的達夏人變黑了(曬黑...?)
-Muscular bodies in arena 競技場中的人肌肉更多了
-Dynamically generated zombie faces 殭屍的臉動態生成(是會有表情的意思吧)
-Zombie texture redone 殭屍紋理重製
-Improved woman model 改良的女性體型

UI 介面方面
-More than 150 new menu illustrations (unique illustrations for towns, factions, events and menus) 150+,新的選單圖示(城鎮、勢力、活動和選單的獨特圖示)
-Interface tweaks 介面調整
-New kill counter 新的戰場殺敵計數器
-Some polished menus 一些被打亮的選單
-New female grunts 新的女性嘯聲
-New death sounds for demons 惡魔死亡時的聲音改變
-Sound reviewed/remastered 聲音重新調整
-Musicians in taverns 酒館中的音樂家
-Women can shout orders 女性可以呼喊命令
-Optimized sounds (split into OGG and FLAC depending on use) 聲音
-Mesh simplifications 網格簡化
-Texture remapping for economy 降低紋理佔用效能
-LOD creation for almost all items 對幾乎所有的物品做了優化處理
-Elimination of all old unoptimized assets 消除所有舊的未優化物件
-Mipmaps on all textures to avoid visual noise 對所有紋理進行紋理細化
-Removal of alpha layers when not needed 移除無用的紋理
-Behind the scenes rework (sorted .brf files and sorted items order) 場景重製

-Thousands of grammar, punctuation and formulation errors 上千個文法、發音和公式錯誤
-Merchant starting choice was always changed to physician in scenario "a letter that changed everything" 在劇本"一封改變一切的信"中,開局選商人總是會變成醫生
-Made CKO Sergeants recruitable from prisoners 讓自建騎士團扈從可從俘虜中招募
-Fixed exploit with UllrVetr's bow 符印弓的收回(不能再通過升級弓來保留弓)
-Salt mine scene exit 鹽礦離開問題
-Transparent salt mine 透明的鹽礦
-Duplicate items 重複的物品
-Misaligned Banner of Sarleon 薩里昂旗幟的不對齊現象
-Misaligned Mett Xbow 梅藤海姆弩的不對齊現象
-"Ghoul face" in castles 城堡中的"鬼臉"
-Possessed Doomguide face 厄運引者的臉
-Helmets not fitting the head 頭盔和頭型不合
-Removed some non-interactive doors 移除了一些無法互動的門
-Hair texture 頭髮紋理
-Banners on overhead circle misaligned 旗幟的不對齊現象
-Arena and tournament fighters don't keep their original greaves 競技場中的戰士們沒穿上他們原先的護手
-Party naming bug 部隊名稱bug
-Removed ladies in waiting from non-player parties 從非玩家部隊中移除侍女(帝國侍女)
-Fixed "pretty female" face 修正"漂亮女性"的臉
-Toned down loot on bandits 調低從強盜那裡得來的戰利品
-Fixed shader on many items 修正許多物品的陰影
-Fixed color on back of heraldic armors 紋章甲背面的顏色問題

鲜花鸡蛋情话° 在2017-1-20 18:37 送朵鲜花 并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下 情话° 在2017-1-20 18:37 送朵鲜花 并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下 情话° 在2017-1-20 18:37 送朵鲜花 并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下 无语问苍天 在2017-1-19 00:03 送朵鲜花 并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下 心静了无痕 在2017-1-16 17:08 送朵鲜花 并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下 饿饭 在2017-1-16 10:31 送朵鲜花 并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下 yk199810 在2017-1-16 08:54 送朵鲜花 并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下 只是个过路的 在2017-1-16 05:00 送朵鲜花 并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下 liguang 在2017-1-16 02:19 送朵鲜花 并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下