- Version 1.1.2
Possible to invest capital in workshop via Clan Income tab.
可从家族收入页面注入资金 - Version 1.1.1
Supports non-tradegood inputs, now compatible with Stable Enabler.
支持非商品输入,与Stable Enabler不兼容
Calculates Clan Income town price by averaging price of possible inputs available in town.
家族收入页面的价格,通过计算输入城镇原料的均价得到 - Version 1.1.0
Adding new information to the Clan Income tab, showing raw material stocks for each workshop.
在家族收入页面新增显示每个工场的原材料库存情况 - Version 1.0.1
Fixes an issue where non-player workshops were not being run correctly.