- Version 2.3.0
- Updated for game version e1.6.0
- Version 2.2.1
- Updated for game version e1.5.5 & e1.5.6 & e1.5.7
- Version 2.2.0
- Updated for game version e1.5.4
- Version 2.1.2
- Updated to the newest version of "Mod Configuration Menu".
- Version 2.1.1
- Potential fix for two bugs that caused a crash when using the relation between AI options. (Null reference errors)
- Version 2.1.0
- Player is now able to lose relationship with hostile AI characters if they fought against each other battle.
Redone some options in the Mod Configuration Menu.
Redone the language.xml to fit the new Configuration Menu.
Fixed a bug, that caused a crash, where the mod would try to divide by 0 if the "AI Relationship" option was enabled.
Fixed a bug that caused a crash while trying to calculate the relationship between hostile AI characters,
- Version 2.0.0
- AI characters will now also gain/lose relationship with each other if they fought together.
Hostile AI characters will now also lose relationship when fighting against each other.
You are now able to gain relationship even if you lost the battle, depending on various factors.
Now uses the (included) "Mod Configuration Menu" instead of a config file.
Redone the language.xml to work better with this version of the mod.
Added the option to disable the entire mod.
Added more various configurable options.
Fixed a bug that caused a false output when using the "Chatlog Output" option.
Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when your companion/spouse/child was leading their own party.
Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when fighting a mercenary party.
- Version 1.3.8.BETA
- Updated the BETA branch version of this mod to equal the features of the public branch version.
- Version 1.3.8
- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when having your children fighting alongside you.
Fixed a bug that may have caused a wrong output if using the chatlog option.
- Version 1.3.7.BETA
- Updated the BETA branch version of this mod to equal the features of the public branch version.
版本1.3.7 重新设计了Language.xml,以便更好,更轻松地进行翻译。
版本1.3.6 在配置文件中添加了一个设置以禁用关系获取。 在配置文件中添加了一个倍数,以调整获得的关系量。 在ModuleData文件夹内添加了Language.xml文件以进行翻译。
版本1.3.5.BETA 为beta版本e1.3.0添加了新文件
版本1.3.5 在配置文件中添加了一个设置以更改关系上限。 在配置文件中添加了一个设置以禁用关系丢失。 在配置文件中添加了一个倍数,以调整关系丢失量。
版本1.3.4 修复了一个错误,在该错误中,如果尝试添加与孩子的关系,游戏可能会崩溃。(感谢@kleinersilver帮助我解决了这个错误!) 修复了一个错误,如果尝试与您的配偶添加关系,游戏可能会崩溃。
版本1.3.3 在配置文件中添加了一个设置,以将通知输出方法更改为聊天日志,而不是常规横幅通知。
版本1.3.2 修复了导致或可能导致崩溃的大量错误。
版本1.3.1 修复了与中立大篷车或村民并肩作战时游戏会崩溃的错误。 修复了一个错误,即如果有多个同伴或孩子,关系更改将不适用。 修复了参与围攻时游戏会崩溃的错误。
版本1.3.0 从头开始以更稳定和结构化的方式重建mod。 添加了一个配置文件供用户调整设置。 修复了一个错误,如果您与村民,大篷车或民兵一起战斗,游戏会崩溃。 修复了一个错误,如果您输掉了战斗并有一个同伴,配偶或任何孩子参加游戏,游戏将崩溃。 修复了AI派对可获得两倍关系的错误。 修复了有时不会影响同伴和配偶的错误。
版本1.2.0 如果配偶和子女通过参加您的聚会或领导自己的聚会与您战斗,那么他们也将获得/失去联系。 修复了一个错误,该错误导致同伴带领自己的聚会不会受到影响。
版本1.1.2 修复了加载保存游戏时的分辨率更改错误。
版本1.1.1 从我的模块文件夹中删除了游戏.dll文件,以防止覆盖
版本1.1.0 派对中的同伴现在也会获得/失去关系
版本1.0.0 Nexus上的初始版本 |