本帖最后由 快乐风猫 于 2024-7-12 22:57 编辑
整活儿,派刺客刺杀领主,领主少的MOD就不要用了,虽然几率低,但杀完了就不好玩了。 思路框架列出来了,自己DIY用法就行了,
module_dialogs里 对话没有标记#新加的就是原文
- [anyone,"member_chat", [], "Your orders {sir/madam}?", "regular_member_talk",[]],
- [anyone|plyr,"regular_member_talk", [(is_between, "$g_talk_troop", "trp_junior_assassin", "trp_mercenaries_end")], "I have a new assignment for you", "assassin",[]], #新加
- [anyone|plyr,"regular_member_talk", [], "Tell me about yourself", "view_regular_char_requested",[]],
- [anyone,"view_regular_char_requested", [], "Aye {sir/madam}. Let me tell you all there is to know about me.", "do_regular_member_view_char",[[change_screen_view_character]]],
- [anyone,"do_regular_member_view_char", [], "Anything else?", "regular_member_talk",[]],
- [anyone|plyr,"regular_member_talk", [], "Nothing. Keep moving.", "close_window",[]],
- #新加
- [anyone,"assassin", [(neq, "$mubiao", 0),], "My Lord, we already have a mission in progress, and if we do it too often, it might raise suspicion, so I suggest we wait until the heat has passed before we start another mission", "assassin_end",[]],
- [anyone|plyr,"assassin_end", [], "You're right. Let's put this behind us.", "member_chat",[]],
- [anyone,"assassin", [(eq, "$mubiao", 0),], "Yes, my Lord. Who is our target?", "assassin_begin",[]],
- [anyone|plyr|repeat_for_troops, "assassin_begin",
- [
- (store_repeat_object, ":troop_no"),
- (troop_slot_eq, ":troop_no", slot_troop_occupation, slto_kingdom_hero),
- (neq, "$g_talk_troop", ":troop_no"),
- (neq, "trp_player", ":troop_no"),
- (store_troop_faction, ":faction_no", ":troop_no"),
- (neq, ":faction_no", "$players_kingdom"),
- (troop_get_slot, ":relation", ":troop_no", slot_troop_player_relation),
- (le, ":relation", -20),#与玩家关系小于-20才列为目标
- (str_store_troop_name, s11, ":troop_no"),
- ],
- "{s11}", "assassin_begin_1",
- [
- (store_repeat_object, "$mubiao"),#把目标储存到变量里
- (assign, "$mubiao", "$mubiao"),
- ]],
- [anyone|plyr,"assassin_begin", [], "Forget it", "member_chat",[]],
- [anyone,"assassin_begin_1", [(is_between, "$mubiao", kings_begin, kings_end),], "My Lord, assassinating the leader of the enemy would lead to frenzied reprisals, and it would be impossible", "assassin_king",[(party_remove_members, "p_main_party", "$g_talk_troop", 1),]],
- [anyone|plyr,"assassin_king", [], "As you wish! Let me re-decide.", "assassin",[(assign, "$mubiao", 0),]],
- [anyone,"assassin_begin_1", [(str_store_troop_name_plural, s12, "$mubiao"),], "Yes, my Lord. Give me a moment, and I will bring {s12} head to you", "close_window",[(assign, "$assassin", "$g_talk_troop"),(party_remove_members, "p_main_party", "$g_talk_troop", 1),]],
- #新加
module_scripts里现在game_start里定义两个全局变量。禁用领主的代码来自@sheng1021z 的帖子一个简单脚本
(assign, "$assassin", 0),
(assign, "$mubiao", 0),
- #禁用领主
- #script_deletion_of_npc
- ("deletion_of_npc",
- [
- (store_script_param_1, ":clear_lord"),
- (try_begin),
- (store_troop_faction,":l_fac", ":clear_lord"),#获取兵种阵营
- (faction_get_slot, ":l_fac_leader", ":l_fac", slot_faction_leader),#获取阵营国王
- (try_for_range,":cur_center", centers_begin, centers_end),#循环中心
- (store_faction_of_party,":cur_faction",":cur_center"),#获取中心阵营
- (eq, ":cur_faction", ":l_fac"),#阵营相同
- (party_slot_eq,":cur_center",slot_town_lord, ":clear_lord"),#兵种是中心领主
- (call_script,"script_give_center_to_lord", ":cur_center",":l_fac_leader", 0),#把中心移交国王
- (try_end),
- (call_script,"script_change_troop_faction", ":clear_lord","fac_no_faction"),#改变兵种的阵营
- (troop_set_slot,":clear_lord",slot_troop_occupation,slto_inactive),#设置兵种是不活跃的
- (troop_set_note_available, ":clear_lord",0),#设置兵种信息不可用
- (troop_set_faction, ":clear_lord", "fac_no_faction"),#设置兵种阵营
- (troop_set_slot,":clear_lord",slot_troop_renown, -1),#设置兵种声望
- (troop_set_slot, ":clear_lord", slot_troop_father, -1),#无父亲
- (troop_set_slot, ":clear_lord", slot_troop_mother, -1),#无母亲
- (troop_set_slot, ":clear_lord", slot_troop_guardian, -1),
- (troop_set_slot, ":clear_lord", slot_troop_spouse, -1),
- (troop_set_slot, ":clear_lord", slot_troop_betrothed, -1),
- (troop_set_slot, ":clear_lord", slot_troop_prisoner_of_party, -1),#没有被俘虏
- (troop_set_slot, ":clear_lord", slot_troop_wealth, 0),#清楚钱
- (troop_get_slot,":lord_party", ":clear_lord", slot_troop_leaded_party),#获取兵种领导的队伍
- (try_begin),
- (party_is_active,":lord_party"),#队伍是活跃的
- (neq, ":lord_party", "p_main_party"),#不等于玩家队伍
- (remove_party,":lord_party"),#将队伍清除
- (troop_set_slot,":clear_lord",slot_troop_leaded_party, -1),#设置兵种不可以带兵
- (try_end),
- (try_end),
- ]),
复制代码- #执行刺杀任务
- #script_assassin_mission
- ("assassin_mission",
- [
- (try_begin),
- (neq, "$mubiao", 0),
- (neq, "$assassin", 0),
- (store_random_in_range, ":rand", 1, 101),
- (str_store_troop_name, s11, "$assassin"),
- (str_store_troop_name, s12, "$mubiao"),
- (store_troop_faction, ":faction", "$mubiao"),
- (try_begin),
- (eq, "$assassin", "trp_junior_assassin"),
- (try_begin),
- (is_between, ":rand", 1, 5),
- (call_script, "script_deletion_of_npc", "$mubiao"),
- (display_log_message,"@chengong_1", 0xFFAAFFAA),
- (else_try),
- (is_between, ":rand", 5, 90),
- (display_log_message,"@shibai_1", 0xFFFF0000),
- (call_script, "script_troop_change_relation_with_troop", "trp_player", "$mubiao", -10),
- (call_script, "script_make_kingdom_hostile_to_player", ":faction", -3),
- (call_script, "script_change_player_honor", -1),
- (else_try),
- (is_between, ":rand", 90, 101),
- (display_log_message,"@shibai_2", 0xFFFF0000),
- (try_end),
- (else_try),
- (eq, "$assassin", "trp_intermediate_assassin"),
- (try_begin),
- (is_between, ":rand", 1, 10),
- (call_script, "script_deletion_of_npc", "$mubiao"),
- (display_log_message,"@chengong_2", 0xFFAAFFAA),
- (else_try),
- (is_between, ":rand", 10, 85),
- (display_log_message,"@shibai_1", 0xFFFF0000),
- (call_script, "script_troop_change_relation_with_troop", "trp_player", "$mubiao", -10),
- (call_script, "script_make_kingdom_hostile_to_player", ":faction", -3),
- (call_script, "script_change_player_honor", -1),
- (else_try),
- (is_between, ":rand", 85, 101),
- (display_log_message,"@shibai_2", 0xFFFF0000),
- (try_end),
- (else_try),
- (eq, "$assassin", "trp_superior_assassin"),
- (try_begin),
- (is_between, ":rand", 1, 15),
- (call_script, "script_deletion_of_npc", "$mubiao"),
- (display_log_message,"@chengong_1", 0xFFAAFFAA),
- (else_try),
- (is_between, ":rand", 15, 80),
- (display_log_message,"@shibai_1", 0xFFFF0000),
- (call_script, "script_troop_change_relation_with_troop", "trp_player", "$mubiao", -10),
- (call_script, "script_make_kingdom_hostile_to_player", ":faction", -3),
- (call_script, "script_change_player_honor", -1),
- (else_try),
- (is_between, ":rand", 80, 101),
- (display_log_message,"@shibai_2", 0xFFFF0000),
- (try_end),
- (try_end),
- (assign, "$assassin", 0),
- (assign, "$mubiao", 0),
- (try_end),
- ]),
- (1,
- [
- (store_current_hours,":cur_hours"),
- (val_sub, ":cur_hours", 72),
- (gt, ":cur_hours", "$assassin_time"),
- (call_script, "script_assassin_mission"),
- (store_current_hours,":cur_hours"),
- (assign, "$assassin_time", ":cur_hours"),
- ]),
- dlga_regular_member_talk:assassin|我 有 一 个 新 任 务 要 交 给 你 。
- dlga_assassin:assassin_end|大 人 ,已 经 有 在 执 行 中 的 任 务 了 ,如 果 频 繁 下 达 任 务 很 可 能 会 引 起 别 人 的 怀 疑 ,所 以 我 建 议 过 一 段 时 间 再 执 行 下 次 任 务 。
- dlga_assassin_end:member_chat|嗯 !你 说 得 对 ,先 放 下 这 件 事 吧 。
- dlga_assassin:assassin_begin|请 吩 咐 ,谁 是 你 的 目 标 。
- dlga_assassin_begin:assassin_begin_1|{s11}
- dlga_assassin_begin:member_chat|算 了 。
- dlga_assassin_begin_1:assassin_king|大 人 ,请 恕 我 直 言 ,如 果 刺 杀 敌 人 的 领 袖 ,将 会 迎 来 疯 狂 的 报 复 ,而 且 这 是 不 可 能 完 成 的 任 务 。
- dlga_assassin_king:assassin|好 吧 !让 我 再 想 想 。
- dlga_assassin_begin_1:close_window|遵 命 我 的 大 人 ,请 给 我 一 点 时 间 ,我 会 将 {s12}的 人 头 带 到 你 面 前 。
复制代码- qstr_chengong_1|你 派 去 刺 杀 {s12}的 {s11}得 手 了 ,他 现 在 已 经 归 队 了 。
- qstr_shibai_1|你 派 去 刺 杀 {s12}的 {s11}任 务 失 败 被 抓 住 处 死 了 ,不 幸 的 是 他 在 临 死 前 出 卖 了 你 。
- qstr_shibai_2|你 派 去 刺 杀 {s12}的 {s11}任 务 失 败 被 抓 住 处 死 了 ,幸 运 的 是 他 至 死 都 没 有 出 卖 你 。