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1224979098644774932 0 1650 2 1224979098644774933 1224979098644774912
1224979098644774932 0 1650 2 1224979098644774933 1224979098644774912 2133 2 1224979098644774960 1224979098644774933 6 3 1224979098644774961 0 1224979098644774933 2133 2 1224979098644774962 -1 2133 2 1224979098644774963 -1 6 3 1224979098644774964 0 1224979098644774960 1652 3 1224979098644774965 1224979098644774912 1224979098644774964 2147485155 1 1224979098644774965 2171 2 1224979098644774966 1224979098644774965 32 2 1224979098644774966 1224979098644774963 2133 2 1224979098644774963 1224979098644774966 2133 2 1224979098644774962 1224979098644774964 3 0 4 0 32 2 1224979098644774962 -1 1652 3 1224979098644774967 1224979098644774912 1224979098644774962 1653 3 1224979098644774968 1224979098644774912 1224979098644774962 1654 3 1224979098644774969 1224979098644774912 1224979098644774962 1615 3 1224979098644774912 1224979098644774967 1224979098644774968 1610 3 1224979098644774912 1224979098644774967 1224979098644774968 1618 3 1224979098644774912 1224979098644774967 1224979098644774969 2106 2 1224979098644774960 1 3 0 3 0
经过测试,我在安排打100决死剑士100克拉尔卫士300农民的情况下,在未修改的情况下先杀一次农民再杀一次克拉尔卫士、一次决死剑士,然后Ctrl+Alt+F4,结算战利品时所爆的装备 全 TM 都 是 农 民 装 备,连一丁点决死剑士的装备都没有。
The problem happens when you fight against bigger parties, or when your own party is rather small. For example, the enemy has 100 knights and 900 peasants. If you kill the peasants first, then they will be the first to get looted, and the knights will come next. When the sharing of loot begins, the peasants will be processed first and the loot buffer will quickly get filled up with their low-tier items. And then there will be no more spaces left in the loot buffer to get items from the knights too. This tweak fixes the problem by making the order of looting defeated troops get sorted out by their level (highest level troops will be processed first).