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发表于 2015-2-12 04:14:46
本帖最后由 贤狼赫萝 于 2015-2-12 04:18 编辑
(Year 365) The land of Perisno is at war, with 7 factions fighting for control. There is hardly ever peace, and every faction has their own goals for conquest. Can you build a empire and claim this land for your own? Can you rule Perisno with your might?
Factions in Perisno at the moment:
Redwoods Elves (year 321)
Perisno (year unknown) (Player kingdom, not established yet)
Hakkon Empire (year 330)
Tolrania (year 342)
Maccavia (year 346)
Drahara (year 359)
Reich des Drachen (year 363)
Unknown seventh faction
Minor Factions
-Volheere Raiders
-More to be announced
The first settlers of Perisno were the Redwood Elves (In the year 321). They settled in the woodlands of Perisno and quickly beat the other inhabitants into submission through military might and power. There is very little known about the Redwood Elves and where they got their name. Natives and outsiders soon learned that the Elves were a force to be reckoned with. If you faced them in battle, you had to fight or die, because the Redwoods caught all deserters and executed them brutally.
The year 323 brought something new for Perisno: people seeking a new home. The Tolranians ran from the oppression of Hakkon. Hakkon is an island nation far to the east of Perisno and its leader is King Comrey I, who was a vile and indolent man. He taxed his people excessively and held lavish feasts daily. Life was hell for the peasants and minor nobles. One day, a group of peasants took a risk. During one of King Comrey's feasts they commandeered a ship and sailed away. They did not know where they were going but they knew that maybe, just maybe a new life was out there for them. In the following week, three more ships were taken by the peasants who now called themselves Tolranians to sail into the lands beyond the great sea. These peasants arrived in Perisno and settled down in small villages scattered throughout the East coast. After five years these peasants had inhabited the eastern, central, and the northern lands of Perisno. They became a Monarchy
called the Kingdom of Tolrania.
The year 330 brought a shiver down the spines of the Tolranians. A fleet of ships had landed on the eastern shores and these ships were filled with nobles and soldiers from the Hakkon Empire. Nobles and kngihts alike came to this great vast land seeking a home. Back home,mKing Comrey was going mad and his loyal knights had turned Hakkon into ruin and bloodshed. No longer could it show off its proud cities and illustrious ports. The tyrant had the kingdom under his grasp and it was getting harder and harder to make it through the day without fear. The new Hakkons considered the Tolranians traitors and hostilities from the two nations began. A few hundred Tolranians joined the newcomers and by the year 340, they declared themselves a sovereign nation and were known as the Hakkon Empire.
The Hakkon Empire was prospering and were enjoying the riches that the land of Perisno had to offer. But the year 342 once again brought more adventure seekers. This time it was a group of people from Nisaynia, who landed on Western coasts. They rapidly moved inward when the constant threats of the Volheere raiders became to much for the newly settled villages. The year 344 brought the biggest blow to Tolrania's short history. From a small beginning to an unforseen rise, the Maccavians began clamining more and more land. The Maccavians have always been in Perisno (Though they weren’t really noticed by anyone for a long time), inventing, creating things, raiding, innovating. They were a rather strange group, who then expanded into a tribe, and then quickly become a village. Then, they became a prosperous city and soon a wealthy kingdom of various cultures mixed together. Their society was always split - there were many differences and beliefs in their kingdom that led to several civil wars that grew meaningless and useless for both sides. When all those doubts were ended, the Maccavian Kingdom grew, and was set to become a major faction. Maccavians are very talented with metal and many of their crafts come from metal. Metal has many purposes in the Maccavia Kingdom, and it is said that the Maccavian army was the strongest yet in Perisno. Their army uses heavy armor and almost every soldier wears heavy armor as if it were their own skin. Maccavians could also be called the iron men and iron women, and ironeers. Their main trade is the export of raw metal materials and crafts, horse armor, infantry weapons, silverworks and others. However, with all their power, even the Maccavians stayed away from the Redwood Elves.
More migrations happened. In the year 359 the Drahara Tribes who had lived in the deserts of Perisno banded together and declared themselves a nation. Then in the year 363 mysterious ships once again landed on the shores of Perisno. Nobody knows where they came from and nobody knew anything about them. Some inhabitants spread the word that they had spotted dragons in the skies over the ships. Thousands of armored knights and soldiers marched off. For days people had emptied off of over thirty ships. Then they marched for days and stopped. Pretty soon spies from other nations brought back information that these new outlanders had rapidly built fortifications and villages. In under a year they had grown to a alarming size. People were afraid to confront this mysterious nation, believing the stories of the dragons even though there were no confirmations or sightings after they had apparently been first spotted at their landing site.
(Year 365) Tolrania was tired of fighting a seemingly fruitless war with the elves and called for a truce. The Hakkon Empire was thriving, as were the Maccavians.. The Reich des Drache was a major world power, and the Tribes of Drahara had build a kingdom in the desert. Perisno became inhabited by six kingdoms and various minor factions, which meant one thing: WAR!
A ship sets sail with a silhouette showing at the head of the ship looking into the sunset... |
Church of Faith
The Lord of Faith is the most commonly worshipped deity in Perisno. In lands like Tolrania, the Redwood Nation, and the Hakkon, where no one religion is dominant, the commoners and many nobles worship the Lord of Faith, who is said to be the one true god. The secretive Church of Faith serves to worship the Lord of Faith and they are the enemies of the Demon Worshippers, whose every teachings contradict the Church of Faith’s teachings.
The Demon Worshippers worship and believe in demons - namely, the Dreaded One. Their god, the Dreaded One, is their cult leader and every single Demon Worshipper serves him. The Demon Worshippers are a very secretive order and little is known about them except they have a strict hierarchy and their center of activity is the mysterious Demon Shrine located somewhere in Tolranian lands.
Drachen Gods
The Drachen (Dragon) Gods are the gods that are worshipped by the Reich des Drachen. They are a mysterious group of gods, and little is known about them, but there are rumors that these dragon gods are living in the Isle of the Dragon and the Drachen people must pay tribute to them yearly. There are three High Priestesses and three High Priests in the Drachen religion, and the role of each differ. One High Priest and High Priestess are in charge of war, another pair is in charge of intelligence, and the final pair is in charge of religious matters. The Drachen Gods are said to be unforgiving and failure is not an option for their followers. While the religion is mainly popular in the Reich, it is beginning to spread into Maccavian culture as more and more neutral Maccavians hope to avoid their dreaded upcoming civil war.
Fountain Goddess
While the common Redwood Citizen is free to worships their god and belief, ancient noble Redwood houses has always worshiped the Fountain Goddess, said to be the very first ancestor of the elves, who had the power of blessing. All Elvarie newborn are to be blessed at the Fountain Temple of Redwood, though only the more "pure" blood are greatly blessed and often become a noble of the Redwood. Interesting fact is that all who are greatly blessed will be showing the sign very soon after with much more intellect, better far sight (some has even acquired clairvoyance level for example the Priestess of the Fountain) and quick adaption to learning archery.
Why is she called Fountain Goddess? It's the unanswered question for all foreign scholars and history researchers, but it is rumored that in the Redwood's homeland, the Goddess is actually still alive and living at a magical Fountain, where she can channel her power through mirrored Fountains across the World, giving her blessing through the mean of clairvoyance,
Goddess's Blessing of the Newborn
Every Elvarie newborn is to be blessed by the Priest-Priestess of the Fountain. It is mandatory, must be given right after the time of birth. Although all newborn are blessed, the more gifted individuals are oftentimes greatly blessed and immediately join the rank of Redwood Noble, no matter their previous standing. And the same goes for Noble newborns, they will not become a Noble if they are only poorly blessed.
High Inquisition of Hakkon
Most Hakkonese believe in the Lord of Faith, although they have a twisted version of the religion that comes from their homeland in the Old Hakkon Empire. A corrupt group of priests in the Hakkon nobility, called the Hakkon Inquisition, are the ones leading the religion and they obtain absolute power from that. It is said that even the Emperor must defer to their High Inquisitor, and if an inquisitor deems a Hakkon lord to be a heretic, they can put him on trial anytime and kill him. For this reason, most of the Hakkon nobility live in fear of the High Inquisition and follow the Lord of Faith, whether they actually believe in him or not.
New Gods
The New Gods are a group of gods that are worshipped by many commoners of Maccavia and minor nobility, including the noble Dietrich and Prince Drachus Flywing. The most prominent New God is their king, Mal’Kij, the one who protects his worshippers and helps them. Mal’Kij is the God of Honor, and he was the one who was cast out by his brother, Mal’Kiarj. It is said the reason he was cast out was because he was too honorable, and refused to kill someone who had already surrendered. The New Gods religion is growing rapidly, but the Old Gods religion still remain dominant, especially among the higher nobility. The New Gods religion upholds honor, chivalry, and forgiveness.
Old Gods: These are a group of gods that are worshiped by many of the Maccavian nobles, including their king, Agathor. The most prominent Old God is their king, Mal'Kiarj, the one who watches over all of his worshipers. Mal'Kiarj is said to be the God of Revenge, and it was he who cast out his brother, Mal'Kij for being too honorable in battle. The Old Gods Religion upholds victory, glory, and conquest. Although the New Gods religion is growing, the Old Gods remain the dominant religion in Maccavia.
Priest - Priestess of the Fountain
The blessing of the Fountain Goddess can rarely gives much better far sight, sometimes even able to see through objects, and very far away. But once in a thousand years (not precise) the most gifted newborn of the Redwood is given something much greater than just far sight. It's clairvoyance. Once an individual is blessed with such power, it is obliged that that individual is to be raised in the Temple, by the previous Priest-Priestess, destined to become one one day. The priest or priestess will be the one giving visions and guidance to the ruler under circumstances that endangered the whole kingdom, or give blessing to newborn.
Redwood Lineage
The Redwood sees the Goddess's Blessing as the way to recognize the lineage. The closer you are to the ancient "true" lineage, the greater blessing you will get. Hence the lineage of the Redwood is far different from the human.
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