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 鲜花( 20)  鸡蛋( 0)
本帖最后由 申籍巴民 于 2011-1-22 16:21 编辑
感谢发布帖整理者 thebestbower
Basically "Brutality Mod", as it is temporarily called, takes Native Calradia and adds a strong dose of refined brutality to it. The idea is to give the game a much more violent and darker feel, as well as to make it harder to play in terms of difficulty. Eventually the mod will probably also expand and change native Calradia to a considerable degree, perhaps even to the point that it is no longer recognisable, but at the moment I have no concrete plans in that area. In fact, aside from some general guidelines and ideas that I will probably expound upon later, the future of this mod is quite liquid, so the direction I take it in will depend on the feedback that people give me.
What you can expect:
This mod has a fairly large file size, because it contains a lot of new textures and sounds, so here's a partial list of the changes I've made so that you can decide whether to download or not:
- Sounds have been made about 100 times more brutal. Battles sound as beautiful as music now. You have to hear it to believe it.
- The textures have been changed to give a much darker and grittier look to the game.
- Tactics script has been added.
- Permanent death has been partially added.
- Each faction – except the Khergits -- has had a makeover. (I want feedback about this in particular)
- A number of new items have been added or changed.
- Foot combat feels like being crushed into a giant iron death machine -- it's like c【和谐】rack for footman players who are tired of soloing sea raiders.
- Small aesthetic changes have been made to blood, arrows, and a few other things.
- Other stuff that I forgot.
What the plan for the future is:
My idea for this mod was to make native into a much more brutal place. I want to approach this from three directions:
1. Aesthetics
I want to make the game feel dark and gritty. I want to change textures and sounds to reflect this, and I plan to change around a lot of the scenes in the game as well -- particularly the castles, as I want to make castle sieges much more expansive and entertaining. Breaking through gates and fun stuff like that.
2. Combat
I want to make combat deadlier, more complex, and, most importantly, more violent. I want battles to be hell. I want you to be shitting your pants. I won't go into it in detail now, but I'm going to change some of the core mechanics of the way combat works to create an engaging and brutally exquisite experience of death. Speaking of death, I expect permanent death and deadly injury to be a prominent part of the mod.
3. Campaign
Ah yes, the campaign. The most boring part of Native M&B. This will be the hardest part of the mod to do, but also one of the most important parts. I want to change campaigns around so that they actually feel like war. I want battles to mean something. Anyone play any of the total war games? I want to take M&B in that direction. Battles should always be decisive. Capturing castles and towns should be easier, but should mean more to the grand campaign. Things are going to be different, oh yes. Maybe that bastard Lord Whoever will think twice about attacking you when his defeat will mean that his corpse is hung from the ramparts of your fortress for the ravens to eat.
Anyway, this mod is only in the beginning stages, obviously, but I think that this alpha will be fun enough on its own.
Feedback is greatly encouraged
- Sounds have been made about 100 times more brutal. Battles sound as beautiful as music now. You have to hear it to believe it. - The textures have been changed to give a much darker and grittier look to the game. - Tactics script has been added. - Permanent death has been partially added. - Each faction – except the Khergits -- has had a makeover. (I want feedback about this in particular) - A number of new items have been added or changed. - Foot combat feels like being crushed into a giant iron death machine -- it's like c【和谐】rack for footman players who are tired of soloing sea raiders. :) - Small aesthetic changes have been made to blood, arrows, and a few other things. - Other stuff that I forgot.
翻译(by dsr1013)
- 游戏音效残暴了不止100倍~战场音效宛如音乐般优美动听,眼见为虚耳听为实哦~
- 改变了游戏中的纹理,新的纹理将给人带来幽暗沧桑的感觉.
- 加入了策略性的统计字幕
- 部分地加入了永久死亡系统
- 除库吉特外,每个派系做了彻底改动(我需要玩家对这一方面的单独建议)
- 增加了一些新物品,并改动了一些原有物品
- 战斗更加激烈,选择步行作战的感觉就像是要被巨大的钢铁死亡机器碾过一样 -- 可以说这种作战方式就是为那些已经厌烦了虐杀海贼的步战玩家们特别制作的了~
- 对流血效果,弓箭和其他地方做了一些小的美工上的改动
- 以上改动可能尚有疏漏..
我想通过改变纹理和音效的方式来使这个MOD给玩家带来幽暗和沧桑的感觉,因此我决定要对大量的场景加以改变 -- 特别是城堡,我想在未来把攻城战改得损伤巨大,来造成更多的娱乐效果(变态.........),还有可能加入像冲破城门而后屠杀守军之类的有趣的设定.
Vilhjalmr |