1.New map 新地图,弗伦西亚,大家见过
2.New troops 新兵种
3.New sounds 音效
4.New textures 纹理
5.New map icon 地图图标
6.Bank 银行,包括保管箱,贷款,存款,有利息的。
7.Formation 阵型,类似1257,按j激活,然后k ; ' u解散。
8.Custom kingdom troops 自定义兵种,可以玩家自己设置兵种与名称,接下来会介绍
9.Lord's reputation title 领主性格称号
10.Party order 队伍命令
11.Faction tree 兵种树
12.Rebellion 叛乱
13.Terrain advantages 地形优势
14.Battle minimap 战场小地图
15.Meet elder 回见村长
16.Companions Overseer 队伍详细菜单
Other change:
1.Village troop will change according to faction.村庄兵种根据玩家阵营而改变
2.The wage of the troop which is not belong to your kingdom (or your support kingdom) is double.不属于你的王国,或你效命的王国的兵种工作加倍
3.If the prisoner has a horse, his price will be double.如果俘虏有马,价格加倍
4.Ramun will change his place between 0~22 towns.拉蒙在所有城镇中随机出没
5.When you trade with Ramun,the price for prisoner will be different according to the faction in which Ramun stay.如果和拉蒙交易,价格会随拉蒙当所在城市的阵营而不同
6.A top knight occupy one more position.高级骑士占更多位置
7.Besieged castles and towns will be surrounded with spikes, visually indicating their status.围攻城市和城堡有图标出现