发表于 2018-1-23 15:15:40
- The Third Legion was turned into a playable major faction (extended troop tree, 1 ruler, 3 lords, completely new town and arena scenes (TTL's base will be 'visitable'));
- fief improvements (a total of 14 for now) were added, they require 4 types of resources plus money to build and sometimes 5 types (4+1) to maintain, more details can be found inside the game in the information section;
- 11 new companions of different races, sexes, skills and stories;
- as usual, new armors (for TTL and Hakkon), replacements of old armors (in particular, 2 'Gondor' armors and most of Revspartan's armors except for Tolranian Champions' armor; Hakkon's 'Roman' helmets were given to TTL and replaced with more "Greek" ones, several Hakkon soldiers were given new armor with 'muscled' torsos), new weapons, optimization&improvement of some old weapons (bows, xbows), improved textures of a couple of horses and tigers etc.
- the speed of 2h weapons and polearms was slightly buffed;
- as usual, bug fixing, including 2 cases of ctds.