Nova Aetas is set in the world of Calradia, but in a later period. The Old Medieval World is vanishing. A new era is coming and you,
the player, will experience this. Nova Aetas is Latin for A New Era. The main targets are realism & extended gameplay. I also want to highlight the civil part
of the game. Building & managing are vital features. If you need actual information or help,
please go to the Taleworlds Forum and visit my topic.
新星纪元/新时代仍旧是卡拉迪亚的故事,但是发生在未来的一段时间。旧的中世纪世界已经不复返,一个新的纪元正在前来,而你,玩家,将亲自经历着一切。Nova Aetas在拉丁语表示“新时代”。本MOD的宗旨是真实化&扩展化游戏体验,在此我想要着重强调下游戏中的民事生活。建筑与管理是游戏中必不可缺的特色,如果你需要更多信息和帮助,请去Taleworlds论坛来找我的板块。
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I have been modding for four years already. This includes extending the features of the original M&B games by adding a lot of new content - or improving gameplay, and this all mostly done by myself! This takes a lot of effort and time in learning how to model, to texture and to write complex scripts.
My intentions are to offer a pleasant and durable feeling of the game.
Even after the release of a modification I stay updating & bringing out new content. I keep reading feedback, suggestions, bug reports and even watch community videos. Especially the testing side of developing a mod can last long and be aggravating. But seeing the joyful feedback of you does encourage my enthusiasm to continue developing. Making profit has never been my goal. I never ask to be paid for my work and services. Though I give you the option to freely donate a sum of money as a token of appreciation for all time and effort put in offering you a free, pleasant and durable game.
(Even without donations I will steadfastly continue developing)
The year of our Lord, 1423, more than thousand years after the fall of the great Empire. A New Era has begun for Calradia. Scholars have found new ways to gather knowledge, Kings to gain and maintain power, merchants to become richer and influential. The once fearful Khergit Khanate is crumbling. And yet the kingdoms of Calradia are fighting each other, overlooking a greater danger lurking in the East.
The Dark Ages have ended. It's time to enlighten all of us. The Rennaissance has begun! It's a time of rebirth. Classical sources teach us to optimize architecture, art, science, music and let us think out philosophical ideas, views and opinions.
In the last decades the once fearful Nordic Kingdom has fallen apart. Bitterness, wrath and deep religious disunity predominate. Shall one man stand up and unite the Nordic people under one banner, one King and one faith again? Which man is capable and... will it be Christian or Pagan?
Furthermore, an ancient Empire, almost forgotten and doomed to be in an isolated place, the Mithridian Empire is starting to take its last breath. The Great Schism between the Emperor and the Pope, since 1054 an unfortunate fact, has left a legacy of distrust and disapproval. But the Emperor is now in deep need of help from these Western nations. The Muslims are nearly invincible. Shall this once great Empire, once called the Calradic Empire, continue to survive?
Moreover, Sultan Abdulhamid promulgated a decree which forbids every Christian to enter the Holy City of Hierosolyma without permission of the local mayor. This has led to shock and widespread vexation among the Christian world. How will the Pope in Aldurias react to this?
During the early years of this century, rich merchants have resurrected the long forgotten town of Zendar. The Doge leads this Merchant Republic. The harbour of this town is the gateway to the West. Explorers with ships have done the greatest discovery of these times! There is more than Calradia only, there is land in the West! This all has proven Zendar to be one of the prosperous towns on this World!
It is time for you to begin your adventure...