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本帖最后由 w_stan 于 2021-1-27 15:38 编辑
12月2号发布的MOD。之前一直没注意,今天仔细看了下,瞬间热血沸腾 哈哈哈,骑士团回来了~
mod名字叫 Knights of Calradia (卡拉迪亚的骑士团) 原作者:UndefinedT N网地址:https://www.nexusmods.com/mounta ... 473?tab=description
部分内容能力有限加上原作者用的一些特殊的编码方式,所以一些城镇骑士堂的菜单内容暂时无法汉化,作者说了下个版本可能更新多语言接口,到时候就方便了~ 所以请大家先低调玩,不要声张咯。
感谢@cnedwin C大的帮助,给我提供了大量的技术支持和鼓励~新手第一次进行复杂汉化,所以有出问题的地方请大家回帖指正修改
花钱建立骑士堂,花费大量金钱和时间给他们升级装备,训练它们的属性 在骑士堂的军需官处购买此骑士堂的骑士装备
找骑士团的铁匠帮你的装备提升属性(没错,是任何装备,你自己的) 招募一位骑士团的冠军骑士进入你的家族
现仅支持1.55(如果需要老版本的请去N网原址找) 现版本共有10个不同的骑士团,作者根据卡拉迪亚的地理魔改和编写了不同文化的骑士团
举例:Fellowship of the North(北境荒原兄弟会)Golden Phoenix(金凤凰骑士团)Order of the Silver Quiver(银雾游侠骑士团)等等 (感谢Erechtheus对于名字翻译的建议)
倒数第二个选项Recruit Champion那个没汉化了的选项是招募一位骑士团冠军骑士到你的家族中成为同伴,
推荐建立新存档,让你的体验更完整,虽然旧存档应该也没什么问题(我用旧存档试了下 貌似应该没什么问题)
In every Castle or Town, it is now possible to establish a Knighthood Chapter, if you own the settlement you can decide which chapter to establish.
Currently, there are 10 chapters, I'll likely add more and include various restrictions to establishment moving forward.
Knighthood Chapters can become extremely powerful once you throw enough gold for upgrades at them, each Chapter can be upgraded in 3 areas:
Every time you upgrade one of these areas the Chapter's knights become significantly better.
When you establish an order, several troops will join your garrison, whenever you upgrade something a couple more and from time to time more troops will also join the settlement's garrison.
The higher your recruitment level the more likely it becomes and the more will join when it does.
If the Chapter is in a Town there is a small chance of some being available to recruit from that town's notables,
all bound villages to a fortification with a Chapter also have a small chance to provide units for recruitment.
The AI can and will recruit these if they can afford them, but it also means you can go and scalp a few from the AI once they've established chapters.
The AI will not sit on its laurels and may also establish and upgrade their own Knighthood chapters as time goes on so don't be surprised to see a few in battle.
If you lose the settlement, the chapter will remain but their loyalty will belong to the new owner. (This is under consideration, it might be better to just demolish any captured settlement's Chapter)
Currently, the chapter the AI uses is random, later, along with the player, there will be certain restrictions in place which determine which chapters should be built.
The AI is required to pay for chapters and upgrades and each chapter makes the next less likely, tempered by time, so the world isn't flooded with them, the rates of AI utilization are under heavy scrutiny and will likely change many times going forward until I'm happy with the balance. Initially, the rates are boosted until the first few are built and none will be built for the first month or two. I may well stick all this in some configs later.
Each chapter also provides access to the Chapter Armoury. The armoury makes available to buy all equipment used by their troops
Upgrade your Chapter's equipment level and you also upgrade the items available in the Armoury, the armoury will also contain all equipment used by previous levels.
(A chapter with level 2 equipment will offer items from both Level 1 and Level 2)
Chapter Blacksmith
Every chapter has a dedicated blacksmith that is happy to put his hammer to work for their Patreon.
Chapter blacksmiths are capable of upgrading any of the equipment your hero has equipped. 6 levels of upgrades are available for every item and while they can be VERY pricey, they can also drastically improve your armour and weapons.
A lot of work has been done on this system to add new modifiers for every equipment class, the TW system seems to be very broken so I've done my best to fix it up.
In later updates the blacksmith will offer more services (Which is why the menu is a little clickfesty right now)
You are now able to recruit a chapter member to serve as a companion, this is very expensive given how well equipped and highly skilled Chapter knights are,
they'll have the same skills and equipment as a regular unit, but also have a chance to have spent their personal time training various utility skills.
同伴-- 你可以招募骑士团成员加入你的家族,鉴于他的装备升级进度和训练程度,招募的花费可能会很贵。
需要 Swadian armoury 这个装备MOD作为前置,我已经上传到了网盘里,该MOD的汉化作者为C大 @cnedwin
推荐ArkandiaSettlementIcons这个改版的定居点图标MOD,可以在地图上显示出建有骑士堂的城市 我已经上传到了网盘里
bringers of light 曙光骑士团
Union of the Oasis 绿洲刺客公会
Obsidian Guard 黑岩守护者
Golden Phoenix 金凤凰骑士团
Fellowship of the North 北境荒原兄弟会
Order of the Silver Quiver 银雾游侠骑士团
Order of the Ancient Lance 上古之枪骑士团
Legion of the Damned 恶魔诅咒军团
Followers of the Void 虚空骑士团
Blazing Hoplites 赤焰装甲骑士团
坐上领主的宝座开始面见请愿者,统治与决策MOD https://bbs.mountblade.com.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2071979&page=1&extra=#pid9233041
超丰富的定居点活动MOD:更多定居点项目 https://bbs.mountblade.com.cn/thread-2071952-1-1.html
鲜花鸡蛋995018782 在2021-1-7 13:41 送朵鲜花 并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下 fanlijia 在2021-1-1 10:13 送朵鲜花 并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下 anson1974 在2020-12-29 12:51 送朵鲜花 并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下 jj10 在2020-12-29 10:51 送朵鲜花 并说:我非常同意你的观点,送朵鲜花鼓励一下