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预览 [霸主美化] 1.72可用头盔隐藏 新人帖 attachment baffin 2022-8-13 02492 baffin 2022-8-13 18:31
预览 [战团联机] [17.8.20][Lv3][战团][1.172][联机国服]洪流[0.96][已汉化] attach_img agree  ...2 え舞絮ぞ月依 2017-8-20 5557323 季冬夜 2022-8-9 12:34
预览 [霸主功能] [汉化][22.07.15][NobleStart 以王国贵族身份开始游戏][e1.8.0-1.7.2] attach_img agree 思密达大阿达的 2022-7-15 62857 思密达大阿达的 2022-8-8 21:04
预览 [霸主扩展] [汉化][22.08.05][Bows of The World 世界之弓][e1.8.0] 新人帖 attach_img agree 落尘233 2022-8-6 32202 ys800318 2022-8-7 21:15
预览 [公告] 关于8月3日至8月4日全论坛禁言2天的通知 muyiboy 2022-8-2 03653 muyiboy 2022-8-2 23:41
预览 [霸主其他] 囚禁事件汉化怎么弄 新人帖 2441305310 2022-7-10 22854 黑猫不爱笑 2022-8-2 23:18
预览 [战团国外] [13.10.06][Lv3][warband 1.153]Assassins Creed(刺客信条)Mod V1.5 heatlevel agree  ...234 骑砍英雄 2013-7-9 95130153 愿他长寿~ 2022-7-23 22:13
预览 [战团国内] [14.04.25][战团1.158][Chaos Space 混乱时空][0.1] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..7 逍遥神龙 2014-4-25 18290407 华子集 2022-7-14 08:31
预览 [战团国外] [16.11.01][战团1.168][1812-1815 Mod ---- Ivanhoe version] agree Monster丶 2016-11-1 1010673 yangfandna 2022-7-11 20:13
预览 [战团国外] [16.06.06][战团1.168][Nysne ][1.1] agree KIMCHI 2016-10-30 178984 yangfandna 2022-7-11 20:13
预览 [战团国外] [16.08.11][战团1.153+][Ocarina of War 战争之笛][v0.06] agree 大闽传教士 2016-11-25 1811608 yangfandna 2022-7-11 20:12
预览 [战团国外] [16.01.22][战团1.153+][Brutal Calradia 野蛮卡拉迪亚][0.1] (已汉化) agree 大闽传教士 2016-10-15 1015148 yangfandna 2022-7-11 20:12
预览 [战团国外] [16.06.19][战团1.153][Life of a Lord mod 扮演领主][1.0] agree 黑熊 2016-6-20 2728956 yangfandna 2022-7-11 20:12
预览 [战团国外] [18.01.22][战团1.158][This is Balkan 2: RS 这就是巴尔干2:革命伊始][1.0 BETA] attach_img agree  ...2 Vai的小安娜 2016-12-26 3816311 yangfandna 2022-7-11 20:11
预览 [战团国外] [16.11.18][战团1.168][Vexed Native Mod 无忧战团](恶搞向) attach_img agree 黑熊 2016-11-27 2118537 yangfandna 2022-7-11 20:10
预览 [战团国外] [17.02.07][战团1.167+][Perisno 佩里斯诺][v0.772版](过时帖) heatlevel  ...234 骑砍英雄 2013-6-11 10173150 yangfandna 2022-7-11 20:10
预览 [战团国外] [12.06.19][Lv1][warband 1.134]Freelancer[自由职业者] 1.5 agree  ...2 zuoluo10 2011-11-28 5261986 yangfandna 2022-7-11 20:09
预览 [战团国外] [10.10.14][Lv1][Warband 1.1xx] troy(特洛伊)0.21测试版 attachment agree  ...2 骑砍英雄 2010-5-24 4528320 yangfandna 2022-7-11 20:08
预览 [战团国外] [15.08.23][战团1.158][GRIM AGE-Ostland Campaign坚毅时代:奥斯特战役][0.1] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 黑熊 2016-1-9 21271051 yangfandna 2022-7-11 20:08
预览 [战团国外] [17.8.26][战团1.168][BROMLAND 友情勋章] agree 黑熊 2017-8-26 2010222 yangfandna 2022-7-11 20:07
预览 [战团国外] [16.11.15][战团1.168][Borgerkrigen 1157 丹麦内战1157][2.0] attachment agree  ...23 黑熊 2016-11-15 8533411 yangfandna 2022-7-11 20:05
预览 [战团国外] [17.11.19][战团1.168+]崛起与衰落 935 A.D[Beta 1] agree 贤狼赫萝 2017-12-14 1215425 yangfandna 2022-7-11 20:05
预览 [战团国外] [16.12.5][战团1.168][Рассвет новой эры 新时代的黎明] attachment agree  ...2 黑熊 2016-12-5 6345521 yangfandna 2022-7-11 20:05
预览 [战团国外] [18.01.01][战团1.168][Gekokujo - Daimyo Edition 下克上大名版][3.0](已汉化) attachment agree  ...23 黑熊 2017-6-12 8286687 yangfandna 2022-7-11 20:04
预览 [战团国外] [17.12.24][1.153+][Phantasy 2018 幻想卡拉迪亚2018][0.150b] 騎馬撞羅馬 2018-1-3 1015794 yangfandna 2022-7-11 20:03
预览 [战团国外] [16.09.01][战团1.153+][Calradia at War 卡拉迪亚之战](已汉化) attachment agree  ...23 大闽太守 2016-9-2 6739679 yangfandna 2022-7-11 20:03
预览 [战团国外] [17.05.20][战团1.168+][The great conqueror 大征服者][0.4] 騎馬撞羅馬 2017-5-10 2120581 yangfandna 2022-7-11 20:03
预览 [战团国外] [17.8.18][战团1.168+][Kingdom王国][3.0更新] attachment agree  ...2 黑熊 2017-8-20 3631276 yangfandna 2022-7-11 20:02
预览 [战团国外] [13.01.01][L3][Warband 1.153]Blood and Steel(血与钢) 1.5 agree  ...23 骑砍英雄 2010-7-7 8183270 yangfandna 2022-7-11 20:02
预览 [战团国外] [19.06.30][战团1.168+][Time of New Chances: The Falcon, The Lion and The Star] agree 今天手气不错啊 2019-7-23 78408 yangfandna 2022-7-11 20:01
预览 [战团国外] [12.10.20][Lv1][Warband 1.153]Knight 2: Magic World 2.01《骑士2:魔法世界》 agree  ...234 骑砍英雄 2012-10-20 110109103 yangfandna 2022-7-11 20:00
预览 [战团国外] [12.07.25][Lv1][warband 1.153]Blue Blood(贵族阶级) agree  ...234    2012-7-25 9560623 yangfandna 2022-7-11 20:00
预览 [战团国外] [11.04.02][Lv3][Warband 1.134]百年战争(Hundred Years War)v6.01 agree  ...234 我爱屈原!! 2011-2-10 10081794 yangfandna 2022-7-11 18:48
预览 [战团国外] [16.09.02][战团1.153+][Kurtulu Sava V2 kt 土耳其独立战争爆发][V2](已汉化) agree  ...2 大闽太守 2016-9-3 3725452 yangfandna 2022-7-11 18:47
预览 [战团国外] [13.06.26][L1][1.143]Kantoudouran(关东动乱)v0.82测试版 attachment heatlevel  ...23 骑砍英雄 2013-6-26 7878510 yangfandna 2022-7-11 18:46
预览 [战团国外] [15.06.29][1.168+][Imperial Rome 羅馬帝國][1.50] agree  ...2 KIMCHI 2016-12-28 5832259 yangfandna 2022-7-11 18:46
预览 [战团国外] [13.9.30][战团1.158][Call of the Kings 国王的召唤][V1.6] agree 黑熊 2017-1-29 1816549 yangfandna 2022-7-11 18:46
预览 [战团国外] [16.12.17][战团1.168][Galvanize and Strategize 激勵與策略][重置版] agree KIMCHI 2016-12-17 2111097 yangfandna 2022-7-11 18:45
预览 [战团国外] [16.02.04][战团1.158+][ottoman scenario 奥斯曼帝国][2.5](已汉化) attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 松漠大都督 2015-8-15 9653846 yangfandna 2022-7-11 18:44
预览 [战团国外] [13.09.19][Lv1][Warband 1.134]Heart of Europe 0.8(欧罗巴之心) attachment heatlevel  ...23 骑砍英雄 2013-9-19 8084497 yangfandna 2022-7-11 18:44
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